Wireless Coverage SLE
Use the Wireless Coverage SLE to assess your users' experiences with signal strength.
Wireless Coverage is one of the Service-Level Expectations (SLEs) that you can track on the Wireless SLEs dashboard.

To find the Wireless SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the left menu, and then click the Wireless button.
What Does the Wireless Coverage SLE Measure?
Juniper Mist tracks active clients' Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), as measured by the access point. Use this SLE to determine if you have enough access points.
You can click the Settings button to set the RSSI level that you want to use as the success threshold for this SLE.

When the RSSI threshold is not met, Juniper Mist sorts the issues into classifiers. The classifiers appear on the right side of the SLE block. In this example, 36 percent of issues were attributed to Weak Signal, 1 percent to Asymmetry Downlink, and 63 percent to Asymmetry Uplink. (See the classifier descriptions below the example.)

Weak Signal—Clients received a weak signal due to other factors.
Asymmetry Downlink—Clients received a weak signal due to asymmetric downlink transmission strength between the AP and a client device. (The traffic going from the AP to the client is called downlink traffic.)
Asymmetry Uplink—Clients received a weak signal due to asymmetric uplink strength between the AP and the client device. (Uplink traffic is the traffic going from the client to the AP, and then to the Internet.) Asymmetry can occur for various reasons, such as clients being too far from the AP.