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Maintain Files

About Files Page

You are here: Device Administration > Operations > Files.

You can clean up files, download, or delete files.

Clean Up Files

To maintain files:

  1. Click Clean Up Files.

    The device will perform the following tasks:

    • Rotates log files—Indicates all information in the current log files is archived and fresh log files are created.

    • Deletes log files in /var/log—Indicates any files that are not currently being written to are deleted.

    • Deletes temporary files in /var/tmp—Indicates any files that have not been accessed within two days are deleted.

    • Deletes all crash files in /var/crash—Indicates any core files that the device has written during an error are deleted.

    • Deletes all software images (*.tgz files) in /var/sw/pkg—Indicates any software image copied to this directory during software upgrades are deleted.

    The J-Web interface displays the files that you can delete and the amount of space that will be freed on the file system.

  2. Click one:
    • OK—Deletes the files and returns to the Files page.

    • Cancel—Cancels your entries and returns to the Files page.

Download and Delete Files

Table 1 provides the maintenance options to download and delete files.

Table 1: Download and Delete Files Maintenance Options

File Type


Log Files

Lists the log files located in the /var/log directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Temporary Files

Lists the temporary files located in the /var/tmp directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Jailed Temporary Files

Lists the jailed temporary files located in the /var/jail/tmp directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Old JUNOS Software

Lists the software images located in the /var/sw/pkg (*.tgz files) directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Crash (Core) File

Lists the core files located in the /var/crash directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Database Files

Lists the database files located in the /var/db directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.