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Edit Global Information

You are here: Network > Routing > BGP.

To edit BGP global information:

  1. Select an existing global information that you want to edit on the BGP page.
  2. Click the pencil icon available on the upper-right corner of the Global Information table.

    The Edit Global Settings page appears.

  3. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.
Table 1: Fields on the Edit Global Settings Page




Router ASN

Enter the router ASN value.

Router Identifier

Enter the router identification IP address.

BGP Status

Select an option from the list: Enable or Disable.


Enter the degree of preference value for an external route.

The route with the highest local preference value is preferred.


Enter the description.

Confederation Number

Enter the router confederation ASN value.

Confederation Members

Specifies the AS numbers for the confederation members.

Select one of the following options:

  1. To add a member ASN:

    1. Click +.

      The Confederation Members window appears.

    2. Enter member ASN value in the Member ASN field.

    3. Click OK to save changes.

  2. To edit a member ASN:

    1. Select an existing member ASN value and click the pencil icon.

      The Confederation Members window appears.

    2. Edit member ASN value in the Member ASN field.

    3. Click OK to save changes.

  3. To delete a member ASN:

    1. Select an existing member ASN value.

      The Confederation Members window appears.

    2. Click the delete icon to delete the member ASN value.

Advance Options

Keep Route

Specifies whether routes learned from a BGP peer must be retained in the routing table even if they contain an AS number that was exported from the local AS.

Select All or None to configure keep routes.


Enter the maximum segment size (MSS) for the TCP connection.

Range: 1 through 4096.

MTU Discovery

Select the check box to enable MTU discovery.

Remove Private ASN

Select the check box to enable removal of private ASNs.

Graceful Restart

Enter the following details:

  • Restart Time—Enter the period of time after which a restart is expected to be complete.

  • Stale Routes Time—Enter the maximum time that stale routes are kept during restart.


Specifies the maximum time-to-live (TTL) value for the TTL in the IP header of BGP packets.

Enter the following details:

  • Nexthop Change—Select the check box to allow unconnected third-party next hops.

  • TTL—Enter a TTL value.


Enter the following details:

  • Authentication Algorithm—Select an option from the list: None, MD5, or SHA1.

  • Authentication Key—Enter an MD5 authentication key (password). This option is available if you select MD5 as authentication algorithm.

Policies Tab

If you log in as a tenant user, Policy tab is not displayed.

Import Policy

Applies one or more policies to routes being imported into the local routing device from the neighbors.

Select one of the following options:

  • +—Adds an import policy.

  • Move up—Moves the selected policy up the list of policies.

  • Move down—Moves the selected policy down.

  • X—Removes an import policy.

Export Policy

Specifies one or more policies to control which summary LSAs are flooded into an area.

Select one of the following options:

  • +—Adds an import policy.

  • Move up—Moves the selected policy up the list of policies.

  • Move down—Moves the selected policy down.

  • X—Removes an import policy.

Trace Options Tab

File Name

Enter the name of the file to receive the output of the trace operation.

Number of Files

Enter the maximum number of trace files.

File Size

Enter the maximum size for each trace file.

World Readable

Specifies whether the trace file can be read by any user.

Select an option:

  • True—Allows any user to read the file.

  • False—Prevents all users from reading.


Select one or more flags from the Available Flags column and move it to the Configured Flags column using the arrow.