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About the Device Certificates Page

You are here: Device Administration > Certificate Management > Device Certificates.

Manage the device certificates to authenticate Secure Socket Layer (SSL). SSL uses public-private key technology that requires a paired private key and an authentication certificate for providing the SSL service. SSL encrypts communication between your device and the Web browser with a session key negotiated by the SSL server certificate.

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Import a certificate to manually load externally generated certificates or CSR. See Import a Device Certificate.


    You must obtain the private key, passphrase, and the signed certificate from certificate authority (CA) server.

  • Export a local certificate or CSR from the default location to a specific location within the device. See Export a Device Certificate.

  • View the details of a certificate. See View Details of a Device Certificate.

  • Generate a certificate. See Add a Device Certificate.

  • Delete a certificate. See Delete a Device Certificate.

  • Search for text in a device certificate table. See Search Text in the Device Certificates Table.

  • Filter the device certificates information based on select criteria. To do this, select the filter icon at the upper-right corner of the table. The columns in the grid change to accept filter options. Type the filter options; the table displays only the data that fits the filtering criteria.

  • Show or hide columns in the Device Certificates table. To do this, use the Show Hide Columns icon in the upper-right corner of the page and select the options you want to show or deselect to hide options on the page

Table 1 provides the details of the fields of the Device Certificates page.

Table 1: Fields on Device Certificates Page



Certificate ID

Displays the certificate ID.

Certificate ID is a unique value across the device. This will be used to create a key pair along with the algorithm to associate with the key.

Issuer Org

Displays the details of the authority that issued the certificate.


Displays whether the status of the certificate is valid, expired, and so on.

Expiration Date

Displays certificate expiration date.

Encryption Type

Displays whether the algorithm of the certificate is RSA, DSA, or ECDSA encryption.

Signature Status

Displays whether the status of the certificate is signed or in certificate signing request (CSR) stage.