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Maintain Files

About Files Page

You are here: Device Administration > Operations > Files.

You can clean up files, download, or delete files and delete the JUNOS Package backup.

Clean Up Files

To maintain files:

  1. Click Clean Up Files.

    The device will perform the following tasks:

    • Rotates log files—Indicates all information in the current log files is archived and fresh log files are created.

    • Deletes log files in /var/log—Indicates any files that are not currently being written to are deleted.

    • Deletes temporary files in /var/tmp—Indicates any files that have not been accessed within two days are deleted.

    • Deletes all crash files in /var/crash—Indicates any core files that the device has written during an error are deleted.

    • Deletes all software images (*.tgz files) in /var/sw/pkg—Indicates any software image copied to this directory during software upgrades are deleted.

    The J-Web interface displays the files that you can delete and the amount of space that will be freed on the file system.

  2. Click one:
    • OK—Deletes the files and returns to the Files page.

    • Cancel—Cancels your entries and returns to the Files page.

Download and Delete Files

Table 1 provides the maintenance options to download and delete files.

Table 1: Download and Delete Files Maintenance Options

File Type


Log Files

Lists the log files located in the /var/log directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Temporary Files

Lists the temporary files located in the /var/tmp directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Jailed Temporary Files

Lists the jailed temporary files located in the /var/jail/tmp directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Old JUNOS Software

Lists the software images located in the /var/sw/pkg (*.tgz files) directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Crash (Core) File

Lists the core files located in the /var/crash directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Database Files

Lists the database files located in the /var/db directory on the device.

Select an option:

  • Delete—Deletes files.

  • Download—Downloads files.

Delete Backup JUNOS Package

Table 2 provides the maintenance options to delete the JUNOS Package backup.

Table 2: Delete Backup JUNOS Package Files Maintenance Options



Delete backup Junos package

Reviews the backup image information listed.

Click Delete backup JUNOS package and then select an option.


The Delete backup option is hidden if the router is in dual-root partitioning scheme

The available options are:

  • OK—Deletes the backup image and returns to the Files page.

  • Cancel—Cancels the deletion of the backup image and returns to the Files page.