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Download and Install Settings

You are here: Security Services > UTM > Web Filtering Category Update.

Use this page to download or download and install URL category packages on your device.

To download and install URL category packages:

  1. Click Download.

    The Download and Install Settings page appears.

  2. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  3. Click OK to download the package. If you want to cancel the download, click Cancel.

    If you have not selected the Download and Install option, then the package is only downloaded. You can install the package at a later time using Install available on the Category Update page.

    If you have selected the Download and Install option, J-Web downloads the package and installs the URL categories on the SRX Series devices with an EWF license.

Table 1: Fields on the Download and Install Settings Page




Select the latest version option or specify an available version number.

Download and Install

Enable this option if you want to install the categories after downloading them.