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View CLI Configuration

About CLI Viewer Page

You are here: Device Administration > Tools > CLI Viewer.

You can view current configuration running on the device.

  • The configuration statements appear in a fixed order irrespective of the order in which you configured the routing platform. The top of the configuration displays a timestamp indicating when the configuration was last changed and the current version.

  • Each level in the hierarchy is indented to indicate each statement's relative position in the hierarchy. Each level is generally set off with braces, using an open brace ({) at the beginning of each hierarchy level and a closing brace (}) at the end. If the statement at a hierarchy level is empty, the braces are not displayed. Each leaf statement ends with a semicolon (;), as does the last statement in the hierarchy.

  • The indented representation is used when the configuration is displayed or saved as an ASCII file. However, when you load an ASCII configuration file, the format of the file is not so strict. The braces and semicolons are required, but the indention and use of new lines are not required in ASCII configuration files.

  • Uncommitted configuration changes will also be listed.

To save, commit, or cancel the current configuration:

  1. Click one:

    • OK—Saves the configuration and returns to the CLI Viewer page.

    • Commit Options > Commit—Commits the configuration and returns to the CLI Viewer page.

    • Cancel—Cancels your entries and returns to the CLI Viewer page.