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Category Update Settings

You are here: Security Services > UTM > Web Filtering Category Update.

Use this page to configure the URL to download, routing instances, proxy profiles, and auto-download settings.

To configure the category update settings:

  1. Click Settings.

    The Settings page appears.

  2. Complete the configuration according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  3. Click OK to save the changes. If you want to discard your changes, click Cancel.
Table 1: Fields on the Settings Page



Download URL

Enter the URL from where you want to download a category file.

Routing Instance

Select an option from the list of configured routing instances or you can create a new routing instance inline.

To create a new routing instance inline:

  1. Click Create.

    The Create Routing Instance page appears.

  2. Enter the following details:

    General Settings:

    • Name—Enter a unique name for the routing instance that contains a corresponding IP unicast table; no special characters are allowed and the keyword default cannot be used.

    • Description—Enter a description for the routing instance. We recommend that you enter a maximum of 255 characters.

    • Instance Type—Select the type of routing instance from the list:

      • Virtual Router—Used for non-VPN related applications.

      • VPLS—Lists the interfaces with Encapsulation Ethernet-VPLS.


        This instance is applicable only for root or super admin. This option will not be applicable for Logical system admin.

    Interfaces—Select interfaces from the Available column and move it to the Selected column.

    • Name—Displays the interface name.

    • Zone—Displays the zone name corresponding to the interface name.

  3. Click OK.

Proxy Profile

Select an option from the list of configured proxy profiles or you can create a new proxy profile inline.

To create a new proxy profile inline:

  1. Click Create.

    The Create Proxy Profile page appears.

  2. Enter the following details:

    • Profile Name—Enter a unique proxy profile name.

    • Connection Type:

      • Server IP—Enter the IP address of the server.

      • Host Name—Enter the host name.

    • Port Number—Select the port number by using top or down arrows.

      Range: 0 through 65535

  3. Click OK.

Auto Download

Enable this option to automatically detect a newer version of the UTM category file. If a newer version of UTM category is available, J-Web automatically downloads the file and installs it on your device.

Start Time

Specify a date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS formats) to initiate automatic download and installation process for the category file.

Interval (Hrs)

Enter a time interval to download and check install category file.

Range is 1 through 336.