Security J-Web Getting Started
Ready. Set. Let’s go!
Set up your Juniper Web Device Manager with these high-level steps and start managing your SRX Series devices.
Getting Started panel appears by default when you log in to J-Web. You can also access this panel anytime using the help (?) icon.
Logical system users and tenant users with read only permissions can only view the configuration from the Getting Started panel.
Configure Interfaces
Add an logical interface to define both the physical properties of the link and the logical properties of a logical interface on the link. These interfaces act as a doorway through which traffic enters and exits a device.
To configure an interface port:
Click Configure Interfaces from the Getting Started panel.
The Interfaces page appears.
Select an interface and click Create > Logical Interface to add the logical interface.
The Add Interface page appears.
Provide relevant data for all fields and click OK to save the configuration.
You are redirected to the Ports page and a message appears to commit the configuration.
Click Commit (at the right side of the top banner) and select Commit configuration.
The commit successful message appears.
Configure Security Zones
Security zones are logical entities to which one or more interfaces are bound. Use zones to define one or more network segments requiring the regulation of inbound and outbound traffic through policies.
To configure a zone:
Click Configure Security Zones from the Getting Started panel.
The Zones/Screens page appears.
Click the add icon (+).
The Add Zone page appears.
Provide relevant data for all fields and click OK to save the configuration.
You are redirected to the Zones/Screens page and a message appears to commit the configuration.
Click Commit (at the right side of the top banner) and select Commit configuration.
The commit successful message appears.
Configure Firewall Policies
Use security policies to control traffic from a specified source to a specified destination using a specified service. The security policy applies the security rules to the transit traffic within a context (from-zone to to-zone).
To configure a security policy:
Click Configure Firewall Policies from the Getting Started panel.
The Security Policies page appears.
Click the add icon (+).
The inline editable fields will appear.
Provide relevant data for all fields and click the tick icon on the right-side of the row to save the configuration.
Click Save to save the configuration.
Click Commit (at the right side of the top banner) and select Commit configuration.
The commit successful message appears.
Configure NAT Policies
Use Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality for translating IP addresses in Junos OS on the SRX Series devices.
Click Configure NAT Policies from the Getting Started panel.
The NAT Policies appears.
Click Create and choose to configure source, destination, or static NAT.
The inline editable fields will appear for configuring source NAT.
Note:For destination and static NAT, you will be routed to the respective pages.
Provide relevant data for all fields and click the tick icon on the right-side of the row to save the configuration.
Click Save to save the configuration.
Click Commit (at the right side of the top banner) and select Commit configuration.
The commit successful message appears.
Manage Your License
Use license management to view the available licensed features, number of licenses used, installed, required, and license expiry details on your SRX Series device. Also, you can add, delete, update, or download the license keys.
This option is not available for logical system users and tenant users.
To manage a license key:
Click Manage Your License from the Getting Started panel.
The License Management page appears. You can view the summary of the feature licenses.
Choose any of the following steps to manage your licenses key:
Click Add, provide relevant data for all fields, and then click OK to add a license key with the J-Web license manager.
Select the check box of the license or licenses and then click Delete to delete one or more license keys with the J-Web license manager.
Click Update to update the existing license key with the J-Web license manager.
Click Update Trial to updates the trial license key with the J-Web license manager.
Click Display Keys to display the license keys installed on the device with the J-Web license manager.
Click Download Keys to download the license keys installed on the device with the J-Web license manager