Managing Log, Temporary, and Crash Files on the Switch (J-Web Procedure)
This topic applies only to the J-Web Application package.
You can use the J-Web interface to rotate log files and delete unnecessary log, temporary, and crash files on the switch.
Cleaning Up Files
If you are running low on storage space, use the file cleanup procedure to quickly identify files to delete.
The file cleanup procedure performs the following tasks:
Rotates log files—Archives the current log files, and creates fresh log files.
Deletes log files in /var/log—Deletes files that are not currently being written to.
Deletes temporary files in /var/tmp—Deletes files that have not been accessed within two days.
Deletes all crash files in /var/crash—Deletes core files that the switch has written during an error.
To rotate log files and delete unnecessary files with the J-Web interface:
Downloading Files
You can use the J-Web interface to download a copy of an individual log, temporary, or crash file from the switching platform. When you download a file, it is not deleted from the file system.
To download files with the J-Web interface:
Deleting Files
You can use the J-Web interface to delete an individual log, temporary, and crash file from the switching platform. When you delete the file, it is permanently removed from the file system.
If you are unsure whether to delete a file from the switching platform, we recommend using the Clean Up Files tool described in Cleaning Up Files. This tool determines which files can be safely deleted from the file system.
To delete files with the J-Web interface: