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Monitoring BGP Routing Information



This topic applies only to the J-Web Application package.

Use the monitoring functionality to monitor BGP routing information on the routing device.


To view BGP routing information in the J-Web interface, select Monitor > Routing > BGP Information.

To view BGP routing information in the CLI, enter the following commands:

  • show bgp summary

  • show bgp neighbor


Table 1 summarizes key output fields in the BGP routing display in the J-Web interface.

Table 1: Summary of Key BGP Routing Output Fields



Additional Information

BGP Peer Summary

Total Groups

Number of BGP groups.


Total Peers

Number of BGP peers.


Down Peers

Number of unavailable BGP peers.


Unconfigured Peers

Address of each BGP peer.

RIB Summary tab

RIB Name

Name of the RIB group.


Total Prefixes

Total number of prefixes from the peer, both active and inactive, that are in the routing table.


Active Prefixes

Number of prefixes received from the EBGP peers that are active in the routing table.


Suppressed Prefixes

Number of routes received from EBGP peers currently inactive because of damping or other reasons.


History Prefixes

History of the routes received or suppressed.


Dumped Prefixes

Number of routes currently inactive because of damping or other reasons. These routes do not appear in the forwarding table and are not exported by routing protocols.


Pending Prefixes

Number of pending routes.



Status of the graceful restart process for this routing table: BGP restart is complete, BGP restart in progress, VPN restart in progress, or VPN restart is complete.

BGP Neighbors  


Click this button to view the selected BGP neighbor details.


Peer Address

Address of the BGP neighbor.


Autonomous System

AS number of the peer.


Peer State

Current state of the BGP session:

  • Active—BGP is initiating a TCP connection in an attempt to connect to a peer. If the connection is successful, BGP sends an open message.

  • Connect—BGP is waiting for the TCP connection to become complete.

  • Established—The BGP session has been established, and the peers are exchanging BGP update messages.

  • Idle—This is the first stage of a connection. BGP is waiting for a Start event.

  • OpenConfirm—BGP has acknowledged receipt of an open message from the peer and is waiting to receive a keepalive or notification message.

  • OpenSent—BGP has sent an open message and is waiting to receive an open message from the peer.

Generally, the most common states are Active, which indicates a problem establishing the BGP connection, and Established, which indicates a successful session setup. The other states are transition states, and BGP sessions normally do not stay in those states for extended periods of time.

Elapsed Time

Elapsed time since the peering session was last reset.



Description of the BGP session.