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About this Document

This document presents a Juniper Validated Design (JVD) for a 5G xHaul network using the Juniper ACX7000 series, MX series, and PTX series with a seamless MPLS segment routing framework. The JVD extends solutions presented earlier by 5G Fronthaul Network Using Seamless MPLS Segment Routing and 5G Fronthaul Class of Service JVDs and focusses on insertion of the ACX7024 (AN4) with Junos OS Evolved, which serves as the 5G Cell Site Router (CSR). We conducted thorough analysis of both functional and performance aspects, specifically examining Fronthaul services and Class of Service (CoS) operations.

Using the reference network design, we validated that the ACX7024 is a reliable choice for a CSR, offering an enhanced feature-set and improved performance compared to previous ACX platforms in most situations. It is specifically designed for the CSR role, catering to the scale, bandwidth, and performance requirements associated with this function.

For the full test report with all configuration files, test bed details, multidimensional scale and performance data, contact your Juniper Networks representative.