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show vpls mac-move-action



Display the learning interfaces (IFLs) disabled due to a MAC move in a VPLS instance.



Display all the IFLs disabled due to MAC moves.

instance instance-name

(Optional) Display the IFLs disabled due to a MAC move in a VPLS instance.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show vpls mac-move-action command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show vpls mac-move-action Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Instance name

Local Interface

Local interface disabled due to MAC move.


Index number.

Algorithm Used

The following algorithm can be in use:

  • Base IFL — Primary approach

  • Statistical — Secondary approach

Time rec

Time recorded in hh:mm:sec.

Recovery Timer

Enable the interface after a set time.

Sample Output

show vpls mac-move-action (MX Series)

show vpls mac-move-action instance instance-name

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.2.