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Tracing Virtual Chassis Operations for MX Series 5G Universal Routing Platforms

The Junos OS trace feature tracks Virtual Chassis operations and records events in a log file. The error descriptions captured in the log file provide detailed information to help you solve problems.

By default, tracing is disabled. When you enable the tracing operation on the router to be configured as the primary (also referred to as the protocol primary) of an MX Series Virtual Chassis, the default tracing behavior is as follows:

  1. Important events are logged in a file with the name you specify in the /var/log directory. You cannot change the directory (/var/log) in which trace files are located.

  2. When a trace file named trace-file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and so on, until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then the oldest trace file is overwritten.

    You can optionally specify the maximum number of trace files to be from 2 through 1000. You can also configure the maximum file size to be from 10 KB through 1 gigabyte (GB). (For more information about how log files are created, see the System Log Explorer.)

    By default, only the user who configures the tracing operation can access log files. You can optionally configure read-only access for all users.

To configure tracing of MX Series Virtual Chassis operations:

  1. Configure a filename for the trace log.
  2. (Optional) Configure characteristics of the trace log file.
  3. (Optional) Configure user access to the trace log file.
  4. (Optional) Refine the output of the trace log file.
  5. Configure flags to specify the Virtual Chassis operations that you want to trace.