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Managing Files on Virtual Chassis Member Routers or Switches

In a Virtual Chassis configuration for MX Series 5G Universal Routing Platforms or EX9200 switches, you can manage files on local and remote member routers or switches by including a member specification in the following file operational commands:

file archive

file copy

file checksum md5

file delete

file checksum sha1

file list

file checksum sha-256

file rename

file compare

file show

The member specification identifies the specific Virtual Chassis member router or switch and Routing Engine on which you want to manage files, and includes both of the following elements:

  • The Virtual Chassis member ID (0 or 1)

  • The Routing Engine slot number (re0 or re1)

To manage files on a specific member router or switch and a specific Routing Engine:

  • From operational mode, issue the file command and Virtual Chassis member specification:

    For example, the following file list command uses the member1-re0 specification to display a list of the files in the /config directory on the Routing Engine in slot 0 (re0) in Virtual Chassis member 1. The router or switch forwards the command from member 0, where it is issued, to member 1, and displays the results as if the command were processed on the local device.