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clear virtual-chassis protocol statistics



Clear—reset to zero (0)—all Virtual Chassis Control Protocol (VCCP) traffic counters for the Virtual Chassis.



Clear VCCP counters for all members of the Virtual Chassis.


(Optional) Clear VCCP traffic counters for all members of the Virtual Chassis.


(Optional) Clear VCCP traffic counters on the switch or external Routing Engine on which this command is entered.

member member-id

(Optional) Clear VCCP traffic counters for the specified member of the Virtual Chassis.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

clear virtual-chassis protocol statistics

This output shows that the VCCP counters have been cleared for both member switches (member 0 and member 1) and both XRE200 External Routing Engines (member 8 and member 9) in the EX8200 Virtual Chassis.

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4.