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Configure PTP Media Profiles


When you enable any of the PTP media profiles (AES67, AES67+SMPTE, or SMPTE), you cannot enable any other profile.

Configure AES67, SMPTE, and AES67+SMPTE Profiles

This topic provides the configuration necessary to enable any of the three media profiles (AES67, SMPTE, and AES67+SMPTE), and includes the following sections.

Optional and Required Parameters for SMPTE ST-2059-2, AES67, and AES67+SMPTE ST-2059-2 Profiles

Table 1 and Table 2 provide default values and ranges for optional and required PTP parameters:

Table 1: Defaults and Ranges for PTP Parameters


SM (Synchronization Metadata) TLV






  • Default: 127

  • Range: 0 through 127

  • Default: 128

  • Range: 0 through 255

  • Default: 128

  • Range: 0 through 255



  • Default: 0

  • Range: 0 through 127

  • Default: 128

  • Range: 0 through 255

  • Default: 128

  • Range: 0 through 255



  • Default: 0

  • Range: 0 through 127

  • Default: 128

  • Range: 0 through 255

  • Default: 128

  • Range: 0 through 255

Table 2: Defaults and Ranges for PTP Parameters



Announce Timeout




  • Default: -2

  • Range: -3 through 1

  • Default: 3

  • Range: 2 through 10

  • Default: -3

  • Range: -7 through -1

  • Default: -3

  • Range: -7 through -3


  • Default: 1

  • Range: 0 through 4

  • Default: 3

  • Range: 2 through 10

  • Default: -3

  • Range: -4 through 1

  • Default: -3

  • Range: -7 through -3


  • Default: 0

  • Range: 0 through 1

  • Default: 3

  • Range: 2 through 10

  • Default: -3

  • Range: -4 through -1

  • Default: -3

  • Range: -7 through -3

Configure PTP Media Profile

To configure the any of the media profiles:


On the QFX Series, when you configure either a timeTransmitter or timeReceiver port, it must be on the same subnet as the remote device to which it is connected.


When either the enterprise or any of the media profiles are enabled, the timeTransmitter and timeReceiver ports must be configured in multicast-mode. The timeTransmitter sends the announce and sync packets as multicast IP packets, but the QFX Series timeReceiver will send the delay-req packets as unicast IP packets.

  1. In configuration mode, go to the [edit protocols ptp] hierarchy level:
  2. Configure the clock mode as either boundary or ordinary. This attribute is mandatory and has no default value.

    The boundary option signifies that both timeTransmitter and timeReceiver must be configured. The ordinary option signifies that only the timeTransmitter, or only the timeReceiver, must be configured.

    For example:

  3. Configure the profile type.

    Configuring the profile type is mandatory.

  4. Configure the clock mode.
  5. Configure the interface for the timeReceiver.
  6. Configure the multicast-mode option for the timeReceiver.
  7. Configure the transport option in multicast-mode as IPv4.
  8. Configure the IP address of the interface acting as the local PTP timeReceiver port.

    You must also configure this IP address at the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level.

  9. Configure the interface for the timeTransmitter.
  10. Configure the multicast-mode option for the timeTransmitter.
  11. Configure the transport option in multicast-mode as IPv4.
  12. Configure the local IP address for the timeTransmitter.

    You must also configure this IP address at the [edit interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level.

  13. (Optional) Configure the PTP domain option.
  14. (Optional) Configure the priority1 option.

    The priority1 value determines the best timeTransmitter clock. The priority1-value is also advertised in the timeTransmitter clock’s announce message to other timeReceiver clocks.

  15. (Optional) Configure the priority2 option.

    The priority2 value differentiates and prioritizes the timeTransmitter clock to avoid confusion when priority1-value is the same for different timeTransmitter clocks in a network.

  16. (Optional) Configure the announce-timeout option in the timeReceiver node.

    The announce timeout value signifies the number of times an announce interval message has to pass through the timeReceiver without receiving the announce message—that is, the timeout period for announce messages.

  17. (Optional) Specify the log mean interval between announce messages.

    The timeTransmitter boundary clock sends announce messages to manual timeReceiver clocks as specified in the announce-interval value.

  18. (Optional) Configure the sync interval option for the timeTransmitter clock.

    The sync interval is the logarithmic mean interval between synchronous messages that is sent by the timeTransmitter.

  19. (Optional) Configure the delay-request option in the timeReceiver node.

    The delay request value is the logarithmic mean interval in seconds between the delay request messages sent by the timeReceiver to the timeTransmitter.

  20. Verify the lock status of the timeReceiver.

    On the QFX Series, the timeReceiver will not lock to the timeTransmitter unless at least eight sync packets per second are received from the timeTransmitter.

    For example:

    The output shows that the lock state is aligned.

  21. Verify the status of the timeTransmitter.

    For example:

    The output shows that the timeTransmitter is active.