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Example: Configure PTP over Ethernet for Multicast TimeTransmitter, TimeReceiver, and Dynamic Ports

In PTP over Ethernet networks, the timeTransmitter sends the announce, synchronization, and delay-response packets using the multicast method. If any unicast delay-request message is received, the timeTransmitter disregards the message and does not send delay-response messages to the timeReceiver. A PTP timeReceiver receives the multicast announce packets from the timeTransmitter or multiple primaries and determines the best timeTransmitter using Best TimeTransmitter Clock Algorithm (BTCA). A timeReceiver receives and processes the synchronization from the selected timeTransmitter clock. The timeReceiver sends delay-request messages to this timeTransmitter using the multicast method and processes the delay-response messages from the timeTransmitter to establish synchronization.

Both the link-local MAC address and the standard 802.3 multicast MAC address can be present in a system. However, a PTP interface supports only one of the following at a point in time:

  • Layer 2 multicast with link-local MAC address

  • Layer 2 multicast with standard multicast MAC address

  • PTP over IPv4

When you configure both IPv4 and Ethernet encapsulation, the unicast-negotiation configuration applies only to IPv4 encapsulation. It is not effective for PTP over Ethernet operation.

When you configure a logical interface by using the stateful statement at the [edit protocols ptp] hierarchy level, each interface that you configure as a stateful is considered to be both a timeTransmitter and a timeReceiver port. Although an ACX Series router supports up to 32 timeTransmitter ports and 4 timeReceiver ports, you can configure only 4 unique logical interfaces as potential PTP masters by using the stateful statement because the interface is treated as both a timeReceiver and a timeTransmitter interface. You cannot configure the interface that you specify to be a stateful with the master or slave statements.

This example shows how to configure a timeTransmitter port, timeReceiver port, and a stateful port for PTP over Ethernet and PTP over IPv4 encapsulation, and how to configure unicast and multicast mode of transmission of PTP traffic among the timeTransmitter and timeReceiver nodes.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • An ACX Series router

  • Junos OS Release 12.3X51 or later


While an ACX Series router supports the PTP over Ethernet functionality, a grandmaster clock such as an MX Series router or a TCA Series Timing TimeReceiver does not support PTP over Ethernet. Consider a sample deployment in which an ACX Series router named ACX1 functions as a boundary clock with a PTP timeReceiver port using IPv4 as the encapsulation mode and timeTransmitter ports using Ethernet as the encapsulation mode for PTP traffic. ACX1 contains two potential timeReceiver interfaces, one that is fixed as a timeReceiver-only port using IPv4 on the link toward an MX Series router named MX2, and a stateful port that functions as a timeReceiver using PTP over Ethernet on the link toward another ACX Series router named ACX2. In addition, ACX1 also contains a port that is a timeTransmitter-only port using PTP over Ethernet and connects to the base station.

In this example, the router uses either interface ge-0/2/0.0 or ge-0/2/1.0 as the selected timeReceiver interface based on the announce messages received from the timeTransmitter and the port that was selected using the Best TimeTransmitter Clock Algorithm (BTCA). The interface ge-0/1/4.0 is always in the timeTransmitter state. According to the IEEE 1588 specification, if port ge-0/2/0.0 is selected as the timeReceiver interface, interface ge-0/2/1.0 transitions to the timeTransmitter state. If interface ge-0/2/1.0is selected as the timeReceiver port, interface ge-0/2/0.0 transitions to the listening state. You can also configure the interface ge-0/1/4.0 as a timeReceiver only interface for PTP over Ethernet, if necessary, for completeness of the configuration.


In this example, you configure a timeTransmitter port, a timeReceiver port, and a stateful port for PTP over Ethernet and PTP over IPv4 encapsulation. You can also configure unicast and multicast modes of transmission of PTP traffic among the timeTransmitter and timeReceiver nodes.

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them in a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level:

Configure PTP over Ethernet for Multicast Master, Slave, and Dynamic Ports

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy.

To configure the timeTransmitter, timeReceiver, and dynamic interfaces, and a boundary clock with unicast and multicast mode of transmission of PTP packets in PTP over IPv4 and PTP over Ethernet topologies:

  1. Configure the timeTransmitter interface, and enter edit mode for the interface.

  2. Configure a description for the interface.

  3. Configure a logical unit and specify the protocol family.

  4. Specify the address for the logical interface

  5. Configure the timeReceiver interface, and enter edit mode for the interface.

  6. Configure a description for the interface.

  7. Configure a logical unit and specify the protocol family.

  8. Specify the address for the logical interface

  9. Configure the stateful interface, and enter edit mode for the interface.

  10. Configure a description for the interface.

  11. Configure a logical unit and specify the protocol family.

  12. Specify the address for the logical interface

  13. Configure the clock mode as boundary clock.

  14. Specify the PTP domain value.

  15. Configure the local timeReceiver interface from which the boundary timeTransmitter receives time and passes it on to the configured timeReceiver clocks.

  16. Configure the upstream unicast PTP timeTransmitter clock source parameters.

  17. Configure the encapsulation type for PTP packet transport.

  18. Configure the PTP timeTransmitter parameters by specifying the IP address of the PTP timeTransmitter clock and the IP address of the local interface.

  19. Configure the timeTransmitter interface in this example.

  20. On the timeTransmitter interface, configure multicast transmission for downstream PTP timeReceiver clocks.

  21. On the timeTransmitter interface, configure the encapsulation type as Ethernet for PTP packet transport.

  22. Configure the dynamic or stateful interface in this example.

  23. On the dynamic interface, configure multicast transmission for downstream PTP timeReceiver clocks.

  24. On the dynamic interface, configure the encapsulation type as Ethernet for PTP packet transport and the link-local multicast address to be used.


In configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

After you have configured the device, enter the commit command in configuration mode.

Verify PTP over Ethernet Multicast Dynamic, TimeTransmitter, and TimeReceiver Settings

Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying the PTP Clock Details


Verify that the PTP clock is working as expected.


In operational mode, enter the run show ptp clock command to display comprehensive, globally configured clock details.


The output displays the clock details, such as the encapsulation method used for transmission of PTP traffic and the number of configured stateful or dynamic ports. Although a stateful port functions as either a timeReceiver or a timeTransmitter port, the value displayed in the Stateful Ports field denotes the dynamic ports that you explicitly configured. The number of dynamic ports is not computed and displayed in the fields that display the explicitly configured timeTransmitter and timeReceiver ports. For more information about the run show ptp clock, see show ptp clock in the CLI explorer.

Verify the Lock Status of the Slave


Verify that the timeReceiver clock is aligned to the timeTransmitter clock by checking the lock status of the timeReceiver.


In operational mode, enter the run show ptp lock-status command to display the lock status of the timeReceiver.


The output displays information about the lock status of the timeReceiver. The output shows whether the timeReceiver is aligned to the timeTransmitter clock or not, and the interface name configured for PTP on the timeReceiver. The Master Source Port field displays the address of the timeTransmitter clock when PTP over IPv4 is configured and the multicast MAC address of the source when PTP over Ethernet is configured. For more information about the run show ptp lock-status operational command, see in the show ptp lock status.

Verify the PTP Options on the Slave


Verify the PTP options that are set on the timeReceiver and the current status of the timeTransmitter.


In operational mode, enter the run show ptp slave command to display the configured timeReceiver.


The output displays information about the configured timeReceiver and the status of the timeReceiver. For more information about the show ptp slave operational command, see in the show ptp slave.

Verify the PTP Options and the Current Status of the Master


Verify the PTP options that are set for the timeTransmitter and its current status.


In operational mode, enter the run show ptp master command to display the configured options for the timeTransmitter.


The output displays information about the configured timeTransmitter and the current status of the timeTransmitter. For more information about the run show ptp master operational command, see in the show ptp master.

Verify the Number and Status of the PTP Ports


Verify the number of PTP ports and their current status.


In operational mode, enter the run show ptp port command to display the configured ports.


The output displays information about the number of ports created according to the configuration and their current status. The name of the interface configured for PTP and the number of times a stateful port transitioned from the timeReceiver to the timeTransmitter state and vice versa is displayed. For more information about the run show ptp port operational command, see in the show ptp port.

Verify PTP Statistics


Verify the statistical details of the PTP configuration.


In operational mode, enter the run show ptp statistics command to display the statistical information regarding the configured PTP clocks.


The output displays brief or detailed information about the operation of configured PTP clocks. Statistical parameters include information such as the total number of PTP packets transmitted or received by a timeTransmitter or timeReceiver interface and the number of various messages (such as announce and synchronization messages) that are sent between a timeTransmitter and a timeReceiver. For more information about the show ptp statistics operational command, see show ptp statistics .