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Remove traffic mirroring for a subscriber. Mirroring of the existing subscriber is stopped. This DTCP message is supported for both FlowTapLite and radius-flow-tap services.


Consult the documentation for your mediation device to learn how to configure DTCP messages on the device.


Csource-ID: user-name

Username on the router. This name must be configured on the router.

CRITERIA-ID: criteria-id

ID that DTCP assigns for the mirrored session when you create a DTCP ADD message. Use this ID in your DELETE messages to remove the intercept for a specific subscriber. To view the ID, use the DTCP LIST message. The CRITERIA-ID and the Cdest-ID are mutually exclusive in DELETE messages.

Cdest-ID: variable

ID of the mediation device. Use this ID in your DELETE messages to remove all mirroring sessions associated with a mediation device. The Cdest-ID and the CRITERIA-ID are mutually exclusive in DELETE messages.

Flags: flag

STATIC is the only flag supported.

Seq: sequence-number

Number added by the mediation device. DTCP messages contain a monotonically increasing sequence number for each successive message.

Authentication-Info: ssh-authentication-string

String used when you are using SSH to connect to the router.

Required Privilege Level

Not applicable.

Sample Output

The following sample shows how to remove mirroring for a specific subscriber by using the CRITERIA-ID.