from { [OBSOLETE] application-group-any; application-groups [ application-group-names ]; applications [ application-names ]; application-unknown [OBSOLETE] destination-address (Application Aware Access List) address <any-unicast>; [OBSOLETE] destination-address-range low minimum-value high maximum-value; destination-prefix-list list-name; [OBSOLETE] nested-applications [ nested-application-names ]; nested-application-unknown source-address address <any-unicast>; [OBSOLETE] source-address-range low minimum-value high maximum-value; source-prefix-list list-name;}
Hierarchy Level
[edit services aacl rule rule-name [OBSOLETE] term term-name]
Specify match conditions for the AACL term.
For information on match conditions, see the description of firewall filter match conditions in the Routing Policies, Firewall Filters, and Traffic Policers User Guide.
The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Release Information
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 9.5.