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tag2 (Dynamic Access Routes)


Hierarchy Level




One of the following values the specific tag2 value you want to assign to the access route or the following predefined variable:

  • A specific tag 2 value for the specified access route prefix.

  • $junos-framed-route-tag2—Tag2 value assigned to an IPv4 access route. The value is dynamically replaced with the preference value (subattribute 6) from the RADIUS Framed-Route attribute [22]. You configure this variable only when the access route prefix is derived from the $junos-framed-route-ip-address-prefix predefined variable; this value is (subattribute 1) of the RADIUS Framed-Route attribute [22].

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 18.2R1.