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maximum-bit-rate (Default Local Policy)


Hierarchy Level


Configure the maximum bit rate (MBR) for a subscriber’s uplink and downlink traffic entering or exiting the access interface of the TDF domain when a TDF IP-based subscriber session does not exist. Uplink traffic originates from the subscriber towards the public data network (PDN), and downlink traffic comes from the PDN and is destined for the subscriber.



MBR value for the uplink direction.

  • Range: 0 through 6144000 Kbps.


MBR value for the downlink direction.

  • Range: 0 through 6144000 Kbps.

Required Privilege Level

unified-edge—To view this statement in the configuration.

unified-edge-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 16.1.