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exclude (Diameter Gx Profiles)


Hierarchy Level


Configure the attribute-value pairs (AVPs) to be excluded from the credit control request (CCR) messages between the MX Series router and the policy and charging enforcement function (PCEF).


an-gw-address—Exclude the AN-GW-Address AVP.

default-eps-bearer-qos—Exclude the Default-EPS-Bearer-QoS AVP.

packet-filter-information—Exclude the Packet-Filter-Information AVP.

packet-filter-operation—Exclude the Packet-Filter-Operation AVP.

rat-type—Exclude the RAT-Type AVP.

Required Privilege Level

unified-edge—To view this statement in the configuration.

unified-edge-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.1.