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request security user-identification local-authorization-table add



This command adds user and role information to the local authentication table. The table is used to retrieve user and role information for traffic from the specified IP address to enforce a user role firewall.

To add an entry, specify the user name, IP address, and up to 40 roles to be associated with this user. Subsequent commands for the same user and IP address aggregates any new roles to the existing list. An authentication entry can contain up to 200 roles.


To change the user name of an entry or to remove or change entries in a role list, you must delete the existing entry and create a new one.

An IP address can be associated with only one user. If a second request is made to add a different user using the same IP address, the second authentication entry overwrites the existing entry.


user user-name—Specify the name of the user to be added to the table.

ip-address ip-address—Specify the IP address of the user. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are supported.

roles [role-name]—(Optional) Specify the role or list of roles to be associated with the specified user. If the specified user and IP address already exist, any roles specified in the command are added to the existing role list.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

When you enter this command, either an entry is added to the local authentication table, or the roles of an existing entry are aggregated with additional roles.

Sample Output

request security user-identification local-authentication-table add

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1. Command updated in Junos OS Release 12.1X44-D10.