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Junos Telemetry Interface

  • Native sensor support for Layer 2 learning MAC table and MAC-IP table (EX4100-24MP, EX4100-24P, EX4100-24T, EX4100-48MP, EX4100-48P, EX4100-48T, EX4100-F-12P, EX4100-F-12T, EX4100-F-24P, EX4100-F-24T, EX4100-F-48P, EX4100-F-48T, EX4400-24P, EX4400-24MP, EX4400-24T, EX4400-24X, EX4400-48F, EX4400-48MP, EX4400-48P, EX4400-48T, EX4650, QFX5120-32C, QFX5120-48Y, and QFX5120-48Y-VC)—Junos OS supports native telemetry data streaming for Layer 2 learning MAC and MAP-IP table sensors with Google protocol buffer (GBP) data encoding. You can create a subscription in PERIODIC or ON_CHANGE mode using Juniper's proprietary Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) service or gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI). Use the resource path /state/routing-instances/routing-instance/l2-learning/mac-table/ in a subscription to stream data. This feature is based on the new data model junos-state-l2-learning.yang.

    [See Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]

  • Stream data from a device to a collector using basic Junos Telemetry Interface infra sensors and new component environment sensors— Junos OS supports these new sensors:

    Relative humidity sensor-

    Two input and one output dry contact sensors-

    You can also display the dry contact and relative humidity information using the operational mode commands show chassis environment and show chassis craft-interface.

    [For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.