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Junos Telemetry Interface

  • Support for gNMI telemetry subscriptions using the Opstated application and genstate YANG data models (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Junos OS Evolved supports the ODL-annotation-based YANG data model with a new application called Opstated. The Opstated application supports telemetry subscriptions that use the genstate YANG data model. Genstate YANG data models expose a subset of show command data through the gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) subscribe RPC. Opstated works with the command and remote procedure call (cmd.dd) data model within the Junos OS Evolved software to provide the available state found in a CLI operational mode command. Data is then efficiently streamed to a collector.

    [See Junos Genstate YANG Data Models, Juniper Github, and gNMI Genstate Subscription. For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]

  • Support for policers and ACLs in firewall filters (ACX7024 and PTX10003)—The ACX7024 and PTX10003 support subscribable YANG data models for operational states. The genstate YANG models expose a subset of show command data through the gNMI subscribe RPC. A gNMI telemetry collector can subscribe to the resource paths defined in the published models to query for specific state data. This feature provides genstate YANG data model support for policers and ACLs in firewall filters.

    [See Junos Genstate YANG Data Models and gNMI Genstate Subscription. For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]

  • Support for device hardware capacity statistics (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Junos OS Evolved supports improved statistics that inform you about the hardware components that that you can add to a device. The resource path /components/component/state/empty now returns different values. In previous releases, the resource path streamed a value of False to indicate a field replaceable unit (FRU) slot, whether populated or unpopulated with hardware. This behavior has changed. There are now two values: True and False. The resource path streams the value True when the FRU slot is available, but not populated. The value False is streamed when the FRU slot is populated.

    This feature supports the components Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC), SFP transceiver, power supply module (PSM), Routing Engine, Switch Interface Board (SIB), and fan tray. Streaming and ON-CHANGE subscriptions support this resource path using the transport's gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) or Juniper's proprietary remote procedure call (gRPC). The feature also supports both INITIAL_SYNC and target-defined mode.

    [See Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]

  • Support for ARP table, IPv6 neighbor discovery, and NTP sensors in genstate YANG data dodels (PTX10003)—The PTX10003 supports subscribable YANG data models for operational states. The genstate YANG models expose a subset of show command data through the gNMI subscribe RPC. A gNMI telemetry collector can subscribe to the resource paths defined in the published models to query for specific state data. This feature supports state data for the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table, IPv6 neighbor discovery, and Network Timing Protocol (NTP). The genstate YANG data model supports the resource paths genstate:/genstate/ipv6-nd-information/, genstate:/genstate/arp-table-information/, and genstate:/genstate/ntp-status/.

    [See Junos Genstate YANG Data Models and gNMI Genstate Subscription. For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]

  • Support for Health Monitoring telemetry data for standby nodes and FPCs (ACX7024, ACX7024X, ACX7100-32C, ACX7100-48L, ACX7332, ACX7348, ACX7509, PTX10001-36MR, PTX10002-36QDD, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, PTX10016, PTX12008, QFX5130-32CD, QFX5130E-32CD, QFX5130-48C, QFX5130-48CM, QFX5220, QFX5230-64CD, QFX5240-64OD, QFX5240-64QD, QFX5700, and QFX5700E)—We've expanded telemetry data to support Health Monitoring telemetry beyond the primary node to include standby nodes and Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs). You can stream statistics that include load average, process parameters, and component CPU utilization using either Juniper's proprietary remote procedure call (gRPC) or gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) transport from the device to the collector.

    [For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]

  • OpenConfig sensor support for ZR and ZR+ optical transceivers (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Junos OS Evolved supports data streaming for ZR and ZR+ optics. You can create a subscription in INITIAL_SYNC or TARGET_DEFINED mode using Juniper's proprietary remote procedure call (gRPC) service or gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI). Use these resource paths in a subscription to stream data:
    • /components/component/optical-channel/state/target-output-power

    • /components/component/optical-channel/config/target-output-power

    • /components/component/transceiver/state/supply-voltage/ new leaves instant, avg, min, max, interval, min-time, and max-time
    • /components/component/transceiver/physical-channels/channel/state/input-power/ new leaves avg, min, max, interval, min-time, and max-time
    • /components/component/state/temperature/ new leaves instant, avg, min, max, interval, min-time, and max-time, alarm-status, alarm-threshold, and alarm-severity
    This feature is based on data models openconfig-terminal-device.yang (version 1.9.0), openconfig-platform-transceiver.yang (version 0.13.0), and openconfig-platform.yang (version 0.21.0).

    [For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer. For CLI operational mode commands, see show interfaces diagnostics optics (Gigabit Ethernet, 10-Gigabit Ethernet, 40-Gigabit Ethernet, 100-Gigabit Ethernet, and Virtual Chassis Port) and show interfaces extensive.]

  • Periodic streaming of selected prefixes using IP oc-aft (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10002-36QDD, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Junos OS Evolved supports periodic streaming of specific prefixes under the IP OpenConfig Abstract Forwarding Table (oc-aft) sensor child path /network-instances/network-instance/afts/. To enable prefix filtering on the target (source) device, include the prefix statement at the [edit fib-streaming prefix-list table table-name family family-name] hierarchy level. After you enable this feature, only interface data with the required prefixes and their corresponding next hops and next-hop group containers are exported to the oc-aft collector. Reducing the set of interfaces to only the ones of interest exported to the collector decreases the overall CPU and resource usage on Routing Engines, Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs), and Modular Port Concentrators (MPCs). The recommended periodic interval for streaming resource paths under /network-instances/network-instance/afts/ is 5 minutes.

    [See Configuring Prefix Filtering, prefix-list, show fib-streaming state, and Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]

  • Support for backup next-hop group sensor (PTX10008 and PTX10016)—With this feature, you can send telemetry data for the backup next-hop group from your device to the collector using both streaming and ON_CHANGE subscriptions. These subscriptions utilize Juniper's proprietary gRPC or gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI). Use the resource path /network-instances/network-instance/afts/next-hop-groups/next-hop-group/state/backup-next-hop-group in a subscription.

    To enable this feature, add the backup-next-hop-group statement at the [edit system fib-streaming model ocaft] hierarchy level in the configuration mode.

    Deleting the configuration disables the feature:

    [See Configuring Prefix Filtering, prefix-list, show fib-streaming state, and Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]

  • Support for genstate YANG data models (PTX10003)—The PTX10003 supports genstate YANG data models for operational state. You can subscribe to these models, which expose a subset of show and show extension-service command data through the gNMI subscribe RPC. A gNMI telemetry collector can subscribe to the resource paths in the data models to query specific state data. Periodic streaming telemetry is also supported. We've added the following resource paths:

    • genstate:/genstate/interface-information/physical-interface

    • genstate:/genstate/interface-information/physical-interface/logical-interface

    • genstate:genstate/request-response-client-information

    • genstate:genstate/request-response-server-information

    We've removed the genstate:/genstate/interface-information/logical-interface resource path

    [See Junos YANG Data Model Explorer, Understanding Junos YANG Modules, and gNMI Genstate Subscription.]

  • Support for genstate YANG data models (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10002-36QDD, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—You can subscribe to genstate YANG models on Junos OS Evolved devices to access a subset of show command data. This feature allows a gNMI telemetry collector to subscribe to resource paths in the models, enabling you to query specific state data. This feature supports the show agent sensors command. The supported root resource path is genstate:genstate/sensor-information.

    [See Junos YANG Data Model Explorer, Understanding Junos YANG Modules, and gNMI Genstate Subscription.

  • IPFIX telemetry support (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—You can stream Inline J-Flow for IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) operational states on the /state/sampling/flow-monitoring/ native model path.

    Test gRPC, gNMI, and UDP transport protocols on PTX Series platforms with fixed-form-factor and multi-line-card chassis. Data export varies based on J-Flow configuration on single or multiple lines. If you configure J-Flow on IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS families, all supported leaves are exported with the correct values for corresponding families. After configuring J-Flow on all families, if you delete one family and add it back, the values are exported for all families initially.

    Data is not exported for the deleted families. If you configure the family again, data export resumes for the newly added family. Junos OS Evolved does not allow telemetry subscriptions for a few unsupported leaves.

    [For a complete list of all other sensors available, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]

  • UDP streaming support (PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Junos OS Evolved introduces User Datagram Protocol (UDP) streaming support on the PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016 routers with the following sensors:
    • /system/state/hostname

    • /system/state/…

    • /system/clock/state/timezone-name

    • /system/mount-points/mount-point/state/…

    • system/processes/process[pid]

    • /pidsystem/processes/process[pid]/state/…

    • /components/component[RE0:CPU0]/name

    • /components/component[RE0:CPU0]/cpu/utilization/state/…

    • /components/component[RE0:CPU0]/state/description

    • /components/component[RE0:CPU0]/state/…

    [For a complete list of sensors available, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]