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What's Changed

Learn about what changed in this release for QFX Series Switches.

General Routing

  • Change in options and generated configuration for the EZ-LAG configuration IRB subnet-address statement— With the EZ-LAG subnet-address inet or subnet-address inet6 options at the [edit services evpn evpn-vxlan irb irb-instance] hierarchy, you can now specify multiple IRB subnet addresses in a single statement using the list syntax addr1 addr2 .... Also, in the generated configuration for IRB interfaces, the commit script now includes default router-advertisement statements at the [edit protocols] hierarchy level for that IRB interface.

    [See subnet-address (Easy EVPN LAG Configuration).]


  • Option to disable path MTU discovery— Path MTU discovery is enabled by default. To disable it for IPv4 traffic, you can configure the no-path-mtu-discovery statement at the [edit system internet-options] hierarchy level. To reenable it, use the path-mtu-discovery statement.

    [See Path MTU Discovery.]

Routing Protocols

  • Optimized mesh group routes (QFX5110, QFX5120, QFX5130, QFX5700 and ACX Series)— The show route snooping for inet.1/inet6.1 table and show route snooping table inet.1/inet6.1 will display only CE mesh group routes for platforms that support EVPN-MPLS or EVPN-VXLAN multicast. In earlier releases, other mesh groups like the VE mesh group were also displayed.


  • Increase in revert-delay timer range— The revert-delay timer range is increased to 600 seconds from 20 seconds.

    [See min-rate.]