Junos Telemetry Interface
Forwarding Information Base (FIB) sensor support (MX240, MX960, and MX2020)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support OpenConfig-Abstract Forwarding Table (oc-aft) model and forwarding information base (FIB), also known as forwarding table, to stream enhanced routing statistics. To deliver statistics to a collector, you add sensors to a subscription and also include the statement set routing-options forwarding-table oc-tlv-support at the [edit] hierarchy level to enable statistics collection. The Junos routing protocol process (rpd) sends the origin-protocol and origin-network-instance of a route, as well as the next-hop via an opaque type, length, and value (TLV) to the collector. Include the following sensors in your subscription:
IPv4 and IPv6 unicast:
[For statement support, see routing-options forwarding-table oc-tlv-support. For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
IS-IS OpenConfig and operational state sensor support (ACX5448, ACX710, MX204, MX240, MX480, MX960, MX10003, MX10008, MX10016, and MX2008)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support OpenConfig ISIS configurations and sensors based on the OpenConfig data modelopenconfig-isis.yang (version 1.0.0). This feature closes some gaps in our OpenConfig configuration and sensor support in the IS-IS area.
[For OpenConfig configuration, see Mapping OpenConfig ISIS Commands to Junos Configuration. For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
MPLS OpenConfig and operational state sensor support (MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, and MX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support OpenConfig MPLS configurations and sensors based on OpenConfig data models openconfig-mpls.yang (version 3.2.2), openconfig-mpls-types.yang (version 3.2.1), andopenconfig-mpls-te.yang (version 3.2.2). We support the following OpenConfig configurations and state sensors.
MPLS global TTL propagation (/network-instances/network-instance/mpls/global/config/ttl-propagation)
MPLS LSP PRI/SEC path-metric-bound-constraint (/network-instances/network-instance/mpls/lsps/constrained-path/tunnels/tunnel/p2p-tunnel-attributes/p2p-primary-path/p2p-primary-path/path-metric-bound-constraints/path-metric-bound-constraint/config/)
MPLS global (/network-instances/network-instance/mpls/global/state/)
MPLS global interface-attributes (/network-instances/network-instance/mpls/global/interface-attributes/)
MPLS LSP autobandwidth (/network-instances/network-instance/mpls/lsps/constrained-path/tunnels/tunnel/bandwidth/auto-bandwidth/state/)
MPLS LSP PRI/SEC path-metric-bound-constraint (/network-instances/network-instance/mpls/lsps/constrained-path/tunnels/tunnel/p2p-tunnel-attributes/p2p-primary-path/p2p-primary-path/path-metric-bound-constraints/path-metric-bound-constraint/state/)
MPLS traffic engineering global attributes SRLG (/network-instances/network-instance/mpls/te-global-attributes/srlgs/srlg/static-srlg-members/members-list/state/)
[For OpenConfig configuration, see Mapping MPLS OpenConfig MPLS Commands to Junos Configuration. For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
MPLS OpenConfig and operational state sensor support (ACX5448, ACX5448-M, ACX5448-D, ACX710, MX204, MX240, MX304, MX480, MX960, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020, MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, and MX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support OpenConfig MPLS configurations and sensors based on the OpenConfig data models openconfig-mpls-ldp.yang (version 3.2.0) and openconfig-mpls-rsvp.yang (version 4.0.0). This feature closes some gaps in our OpenConfig configuration and sensor support in the MPLS RSVP-TE and MPLS LDP areas.
[For OpenConfig configuration, see Mapping MPLS OpenConfig MPLS Commands to Junos Configuration. For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
Telemetry streaming of operational state data for syslog messages (ACX5448, ACX710, MX240, MX480, MX960, MX10004, MX10008, MX10016, MX2008, MX2010, and MX2020)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support telemetry streaming of operational state data for syslog messages to an external gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) collector. Sensors are based on the native Junos data model under the hierarchy level /state/system/syslog/messages. You can stream data using ON_CHANGE and TARGET_DEFINED modes.
Segment Routing Traffic Engineering (SR-TE) Policy telemetry (MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, and MX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we've introduced support for telemetry streaming of operational state data for segment routing traffic engineering (SR-TE) policy. State sensors are based on OpenConfig data model openconfig-srte-policy.yang. You can subscribe to SR-TE sensors using resource path/network-instances/network-instance/segment-routing/te-policies.
802.1X configuration and operational state sensors using OpenConfig (ACX5448, ACX5448-M, ACX5448-D, ACX710, EX2300, EX2300-MP, EX2300-C, EX2300-VC, EX3400, EX3400-VC, EX4100-48MP, EX4100-24MP, EX4100-48P, EX4100-48T, EX4100-24P, EX4100-24T, EX4100-F-48P, EX4100-F-24P, EX4100-F-48T, EX4100-F-24T, EX4100-F-12P, EX4100-F-12T, EX4300-MP, EX4400-24MP, EX4400-24P, EX4400-24T, EX4400-24X, EX4400-48F, EX4400-48MP, EX4400-48P, EX4400-48T, EX4650, EX4650-48Y-VC, MX204, MX240, MX304, MX480, MX960, MX10003,MX10004,MX10008, MX10016, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020, and QFX10002-60C)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support configuration and telemetry streaming of operational state data based on the OpenConfig data model openconfig-if-8021x.yang.
[For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer. For OpenConfig configuration, see Mapping OpenConfig 802.1X Commands to Junos Configuration.]
Telemetry support for QoS queue statistics on pseudowire interface sets (MX240, MX304, MX480, MX960, MX10004, MX10008, MX10016, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020 with Trio chipset EA, ZT and YT-based line cards)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we have introduced support for telemetry streaming of QoS queue statistics for pseudowire logical interface sets. You can stream operational state statistics using the native Junos resource path /junos/system/linecard/cos/interface/interface-set/output/queue/. The sensors stream queue statistics using gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) or UDP. Suppression of zero values in statistics from streamed data is also supported.
Firewall filter OpenConfig configuration support (EX9204, EX9208, EX9214, MX204, MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2010, MX2020, MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, and MX10016)—Junos OS Release 23.4R1 supports OpenConfig firewall filter (also known as access control list) configurations based on the OpenConfig data models openconfig-acl.yang (version 1.2.2) and openconfig-network-instance.yang (version 1.4.0).
[See Mapping OpenConfig Firewall Filter Commands to Junos Configuration.]
ISIS operational state sensors and configuration using OpenConfig (MX204, MX240, MX304,MX480, MX960, MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, MX10016, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020 and vMX)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we've introduced enhancements to IS-IS telemetry support based on OpenConfig data model openconfig-isis.yang (version 1.0.0). Support includes new operational state paths and configuration paths.
We've added a new configuration statement
at[edit protocols isis level <level> ]
hierarchy level.[For OpenConfig configuration, see Mapping OpenConfig ISIS Commands to Junos Configuration. For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
Interface counters on-box aggregation support (MX204, MX240, MX304, MX480, MX960, MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, MX10016, MX2008, MX2010, and MX2020)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we now support on-board aggregation of interface counters. Off-box aggregation has limited insight into systemic events, such as line card resets or LAG membership changes. On-box aggregation support aggregates the counters at the source and generates a telemetry stream of aggregated PFE statistics and telemetry data that will reduce production errors at the collector.
[For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
CoS counter on-box aggregation support (MX204, MX480, MX960, MX10004, MX10008, MX10016, MX2010, and MX2020)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we now support on-board aggregation of CoS counters. Off-box aggregation has limited insight into systemic events, such as line card resets or LAG membership changes. On-box aggregation support aggregates the counters at the source and generates a telemetry stream of aggregated PFE statistics and telemetry data that will reduce production errors at the collector.
Use the following sensors:
/junos/system/linecard/interface/queue/ exports queue statistics on physical AE and RLT interfaces
/junos/system/linecard/interface/logical/usage/ exports queue statistics on physical AE and RLT interfaces
/qos/interfaces/interface/output/queues/queue/state/ exports queue statistics for AE and RLT physical interfaces and AE and PS logical interfaces
/junos/system/linecard/cos/interface/interface-set/output/queue/ exports queue statistics for logical AE and PS IFLsets
[For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
Mount point sensor support (ACX5448, ACX710, MX204, MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020, MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, and MX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we now support new sensors for mount points and memory usage. If a system has the concept of mounting physical or virtual resources to a mount point within the root file ystem (/), that mount point is included in the telemetry data stream using the sensor /system/mount-points/.
[For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
LACP telemetry support for new leaves (ACX5448, ACX5448-M, ACX5448-D, ACX710, MX204, MX240, MX304, MX480, MX960, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020, MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, MX10016, QFX10002, QFX10002-60C, QFX10008, and QFX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we now support the new LACP leaves
introduced in the OpenConfig data model openconfig-lacp-yang (version 1.2.0).[For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
Multicast telemetry support with IGMP and PIM operational state sensors (ACX710, ACX5448, MX204, MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020, MX10003, MX10008, and MX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we now support IGMP and PIM sensors based on the OpenConfig data models openconfig-igmp.yang (version 0.3.0) and openconfig-pim.yang (version 0.4.2).
[For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
- New state data model for Juniper proprietary Remote
Procedure (gRPC) service (ACX710, ACX5448, MX204, MX240, MX960, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020 and
MX10004)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we've included a restructured native
state data model defining gRPC server instances. The new model includes common attributes
and gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI) service details.
The sensor /state/system/services/http/servers/ and its leaves illustrate the new structure.
[For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) enhanced streaming telemetry support (MX480 and vRR)—JStarting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we now support enhanced statistics for RPKI databases and RPKI sessions and validation-related statistics per route, per RIB and per BGP peer basis. Using these statistics, you can perform operational debugging on your network and take appropriate mitigating actions.
These existing Junos operational mode commands contain new statistics:
show route [extensive|detail]
displays origin validation information for each route entry -
show bgp neighbor validation statistics <peer>
displays BGP peer-RIB validation statistics -
show route validation-statistics
displays local routing information base (RIB) specific validation statistics -
show validation statistics
displays new counters for the Validated Route Payload (VRP) table
We now support the following telemetry sensors (with leaves):
[For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.] For operational mode commands, see show route, show bgp neighbor validation statistics, show route validation-statistics, and show validation statistics.
Segment routing sensors OpenConfig compliance support (MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020, MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, and MX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we now support OpenConfig compliant resource paths for the segment routing SID ingress sensor. Use the new resource paths to export statistics using UDP, Juniper proprietary Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) or gRPC Network Management Interface (gNMI).
For example, the new OpenConfig compliant resource path /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/segment-routing/aggregate-sid-counters/aggregate-sid-counter/mpls-label replaces /mpls/signaling-protocols/segment-routing/aggregate-sid-counters/aggregate-sid-counter/state/mpls-label. If you are using UDP for export, the new OpenConfig compliant resource path /network-instances/network-instance/mpls/signaling-protocols/segment-routing/aggregate-sid-counters/ replaces the resource path /junos/services/segment-routing/sid/usage/.
This feature also supports initial sync, a feature that samples all statistics for a subscription from a device, then only exports statistics that change.
[For sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
Routing policy and network instance OpenConfig configuration and sensor support (MX480)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support resource paths and OpenConfig configurations that have previously been unsupported or non-compliant with OpenConfig data models openconfig-local-routing.yang (version 2.0.0) and openconfig-routing-policy.yang (version 3.3.0).
[For OpenConfig configurations, see Mapping OpenConfig Network Instance Commands to Junos Operation and Mapping OpenConfig Routing Policy Commands to Junos Configuration. For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
STP OpenConfig and operational state sensor support (ACX710, ACX5448, ACX5448-M, ACX5448-D, EX2300, EX2300-MP, EX2300-C, EX2300-VC, EX3400, EX3400-VC, EX4100-48MP, EX4100-24MP, EX4100-48P, EX4100-48T, EX4100-24P, EX4100-24T, EX4100-F-48P, EX4100-F-24P, EX4100-F-48T, EX4100-F-24T, EX4100-F-12P|EX4100-F-12T, EX4300-MP, EX4400-24MP, EX4400-24P, EX4400-24T, EX4400-24X, EX4400-48F, EX4400-48MP, EX4400-48P, EX4400-48T, EX4650, EX4650-48Y-VC, MX204, MX240, MX304, MX480, MX960, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020, MX10003, MX10004, MX10008, MX10016, QFX10002, QFX10002-60C, QFX10008, and QFX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support OpenConfig STP configurations and sensors based on the OpenConfig data model openconfig-spanning-tree (Version 1, Revision 0.3.1).
[For OpenConfig configuration, see Mapping OpenConfig STP Commands to Junos Configuration. For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.]
Upgrade of OpenConfig models for Routing Instances (ACX5448, ACX710, MX240, MX480, MX960, MX10003, MX10008, MX2008, MX2010 and MX2020)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support an upgrade for the following OpenConfig models:
openconfig-local-routing.yang to version 2.0.0.
openconfig-routing-policy.yang to version 3.3.0.
The upgraded models introduce new leaves for operational state sensors and configuration in the following areas:
Inter-instance policies.
Route limits.
Router advertisement.
Local aggregates.
Static routes.
[For state sensors, see Junos YANG Data Model Explorer.
For OpenConfig configuration, see Mapping OpenConfig Network Instance Commands to Junos Configuration.]
Telemetry streaming of operational state data for syslog messages (ACX5448, ACX710, MX240, MX480, MX960, MX10004, MX10008, MX10016, MX2008, MX2010 and MX2020)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, we support telemetry streaming of operational state data for syslog messages to an external gNMI collector. Sensors are based on the native Junos data model under the hierarchy level /state/system/syslog/messages/. You can stream data using