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Authentication and Access Control

  • User Firewall and JIMS integration (cSRX)—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, cSRX supports User Firewall active directory and Juniper® Identity Management Service (JIMS) integration.

    The cSRX instances can now create, manage, and refine firewall rules based on user identity rather than IP address and query JIMS.

    JIMS then communicates with Active Directory to retrieve the username-to-group mapping information. The cRSX instances use the username-to-group mapping information to identify the group to which each user belongs and then enforces appropriate security policy decisions.

    [See Authentication and Integrated User Firewalls User GuideJuniper Identity Management Service User Guide].

  • Dynamic filter IPv6 support—Starting in Junos OS Release 23.4R1, you can install filters having destination IPv6 as a match condition. Both IPv4 and IPv6 match conditions can be specified within the same filter.

    [See User Access and Authentication Administration Guide for Junos OS .]