Known Limitations
Learn about limitations in this release for PTX Series routers.
For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS Evolved defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.
General Routing
Transient parity erorr pp_0_filter_action_0_intr_pmv_eq_zero might seen, during filter modification with traffic running. PR1778622
EEPROM read failures for PSM are not shown on the PSM LED since the LED of the PSM is internally controlled by the PSM firmware and not by the system software. PR1770991
During the programming of the firmware in Junos OS Evolved, all Pri/Sec/Led/Comm firmware shows as programming even if any one single firmware is getting programmed. However, the firmware upgrade will be done only on the firmware that must be programmed based on the current and available versions. PR1774769