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Subscriber Management and Services

  • Dynamic VLAN (DVLAN single tag and dual tag) support for subscriber services scaling, performance (ACX7100-48L) – Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 23.4R1, we support the following subscriber services scaling and performance features on the ACX7100-48L devices:
    • Support for new modular database (MDB) profiles to replace old MDB profiles—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 23.4R1, new MDB profiles replace older profiles for lean-edge, cloud metro, Carrier Ethernet, and Border Network Gateways (BNGs). Additionally, here are a few enhancements provided with this feature :
      • The new MDB profiles configuration automatically restart PFEs.

      • All MDB profiles now support IPv6 multicast source specific multicast (SSM)
      • We define the lean-edge profile as the default profile instead of the balanced MDB profile
      • ACX7024 platform supports only the lean-edge and cloud-metro profiles.
      • We've removed the earlier restriction for LPM distribution. We've deprecated the LPM distribution command option hw-db-profile lpm-distribution (1 | 2 | 200 | 3 | 4).

      • You can use the MDB resource for either global routes or VRF routing tables and scale the resources to maximum per-profile capacity.

      The following table lists new and old MDB profiles and indicates the default profiles :
      New MDB Profile Corresponding Old Profile
      lean-edge (default) l3-xl
      cloud-metro balanced (default)
      carrier-ethernet l2-xl
      bng balanced-exem

      Use the set system packet-forwarding-options hw-db-profile cloud-metro command to configure the cloud-metro profile.

      [See hw-db-profile.]

  • Hierarchical policer for subscriber services firewall (ACX7100-48L) —Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 23.4R1, we support the following hierarchical policers on DHCP and Point-to-Point Protcol over Ethernet (PPPoE) access models:

  • MAC source demultiplexing on control-plane interfaces (ACX7100-48L)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 23.4R1, we support MAC-based source demultiplexing on control-plane interfaces on ACX7100-48L devices. The feature includes DHCP server dual (IPv4-only or IPv6-only) support for stack subscribers over a 1:N customer VLAN (C-VLAN). Use the DHCP server command dhcpv6 [dynamic-profile dhcp-prof] under the [edit system services dhcp-local-server] hierarchy.

    [See dhcp-local-server (System Services) and dynamic-profile (Static Subscribers). ]