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What's Changed

Learn about what changed in this release for ACX Series routers.

General Routing

  • Label for the hours unit of time displayed in output— When there are zero minutes in the output for the show system uptime command, the label for the hours unit of time is displayed.

    [See show system uptime.]

  • Prior to this change the output of a show task replication | display xml validate returned an error of the form ERROR: Duplicate data element <task-protocol-replication-name>. With this change the XML output is properly structured with no validation errors.

  • The active-user-count is defined as a numeric integer value in ODL request output— The output for the get-system-uptime-information ODL request contains information for the active-user-count. The active-user-count is now defined as a numeric integer value and avoids an invalid value type error.

    [See show system uptime.]

  • Label-switched interface (LSI) delay during reboot (ACX Series)— Rebooting ACX Series routers running Junos OS Evolved with a class-of-service routing-instance configuration might encounter errors due to a delay with the label-switched interface (LSI). LSI state information has been added to the output of the show route instance command to assist in the analysis of such errors.

    [See show route instance.]

  • Two new alarms are added and can be seen with MPC11E when 400G-ZR optics are used. High Power Optics Too Warm: warning of the increase in chassis ambient temperature with no functional action taken on the optics Temperature too high for optics power on: New inserted optics when the chassis ambient temperature is elevated beyond the threshold will not be powered on and would need to be reinserted when the ambient temperature is within the acceptable range

Junos XML API and Scripting

  • Ability to commit extension-service file configuration when application file is unavailable—When you set the optional option at the [edit system extension extension-service application file varname file-name] hierarchy level, the operating system can commit the configuration even if the file is not available at the /var/db/scripts/jet file path.

    [See file (JET).]

  • Ability to restart restart daemonized applications—Use the request extension-service restart-daemonize-app application-name command to restart a daemonized application running on a Junos OS Evolved device. Restarting the application can assist you with debugging and troubleshooting.

    [See request extension-service restart-daemonize-app.]

  • The xmlns:junos attribute includes the complete software version string (ACX Series, PTX Series, and QFX Series)—The xmlns:junos namespace string in XML RPC replies includes the complete software version release number, which is identical to the version emitted by the show version command. In earlier releases, the xmlns:junos string includes only partial software version information.

Network Management and Monitoring

  • The connectivity fault management process (cfmd) runs only when the ethernet connectivity-fault-management protocol is configured.

  • Changes to the show system yang package (get-system-yang-packages RPC) XML output (ACX Series, PTX Series, and QFX Series)—The show system yang package command and <get-system-yang-packages> RPC include the following changes to the XML output:

    • The root element is yang-package-information instead of yang-pkgs-info.

    • A yang-package element encloses each set of package files.

    • The yang-pkg-id tag is renamed to package-id.

    • If the package does not contain translation scripts, the Translation Script(s) (trans-scripts) value is none.

  • NETCONF server's <rpc-error> response changed when <load-configuration> uses operation="delete" to delete a nonexistent configuration object (ACX Series, PTX Series, and QFX Series)—In an earlier release, we changed the NETCONF server's <rpc-error> response for when an <edit-config> or <load-configuration> operation uses operation="delete" to delete a configuration element that is absent in the target configuration. We've reverted the changes to the <load-configuration> response.

  • operator login class is restricted from viewing NETCONF trace files that are no-world-readable (ACX Series, PTX Series, and QFX Series)—When you configure NETCONF tracing options at the [edit system services netconf traceoptions] hierarchy level and you restrict file access to the file owner by setting or omitting the no-world-readable statement (the default), users assigned to the operator login class do not have permissions to view the trace file.

  • Support for the junos:cli-feature YANG extension (ACX Series, PTX Series, and QFX Series)—The cli-feature YANG extension identifies certain CLI properties associated with some command options and configuration statements. The Junos YANG modules that define the configuration or RPCs include the cli-feature extension statement, where appropriate, in schemas emitted with extensions. This extension is beneficial when a client consumes YANG data models, but for certain workflows, the client needs to generate CLI-based tools.

    [See Understanding the Junos DDL Extensions YANG Module.]