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Resolved Issues

Learn about the issues fixed in this release for vSRX.

For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

Flow-Based and Packet-Based Processing

  • The traffic in the power mode still passthrough when the ingress logic interface is manually disabled. PR1604144

  • Expected TCP sequences not found in ICMP6 core files. PR1611202

  • vSRX not processing fragmented packets. PR1668898

  • Packet loss on GRE tunnel due to improper route look up for tunnel destination. PR1683334

Platform and Infrastructure

  • AMR first session traffic is not copying over multiple paths for IPv6 traffic over IPv6 IPsec tunnel mode. PR1643570

  • Split tunneling feature might not work. PR1655202

  • Cache miss counter increments twice instead of one. PR1663678

  • The evaluation license reappears after deletion and reboot. PR1664434

  • SRX alarming SMS control channel down without SMS feature configured. PR1666420

  • NG custom APPID fails on Junos SRX Series devices. PR1667221

  • vSRX instance in GCP gets stuck in halt state randomly when trying to reboot multiple times. PR1680874

  • ARP will not get learned if reth interface is configured with VLAN. PR1681042

  • The NSD_CLEAR_POLICY_DNS_CACHE_ENTRY_IP log not found on the device after keying DNS cache entry unchanged. PR1684268

Routing Policy and Firewall Filters

  • The utility monitor security packet-drop now correctly reports policy-related drops for unified policy (includes the exact policy that dropped the packet). PR1576150

User Interface and Configuration

  • Configuration changes are not effective if special groups are applied using regex like, apply-groups "${node}"; using explicit special groups names apply-groups [node0 node1]; solves the problem. PR1660165

  • Device is not entering in CLI mode; CLI core files are generated. PR1673979


  • The VPN monitoring might not work as expected when PMI enable. PR1669110