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Resolved Issues

Learn about the issues fixed in this release for MX Series routers.

For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

Class of Service (CoS)

  • Packet drop might be seen on MX platforms with MPC10/MPC11/LC9600 line cards. PR1671040

  • QoS may not work as expected on AE interfaces with explicit-null label. PR1675781

  • The oid tree jnxCosQstatEntry returns nothing for some interfaces after restarting class-of-service. PR1693977

  • The congestion details will be lost as ECN bits in DSCP are cleared after VXLAN decapsulation. PR1683438


  • EVPN next hops are not correctly synchronised between RE and PFE. PR1633344

  • The rpd process crash might be seen due to memory allocation failure. PR1636690

  • The kernel crash would be observed in an EVPN multi-homed scenario. PR1649234

  • EVPN Proxy ARP doesn't work for the restricted feature on the IRB interface. PR1650665

  • EVPN DF election will get stuck in the wrong state. PR1662954

  • CRB EVPN MPLS is not working with control-word enabled. PR1665130

  • Layer3 inter-subnet routing will fail if there is no reachability for the remote IP-host route. PR1669585

  • Traffic drop might be observed in the EVPN-VPWS scenario. PR1672749

  • The rpd crash would be observed when activating or deactivating the EVPN routing-instances. PR1673157

  • RPD core upon receipt of a specific EVPN route by a BGP route reflector in an EVPN environment. PR1675054

  • The ARP/ND entries are not relearnt as expected on the spine with EVPN-VXLAN. PR1677521

  • EVPN Proxy ARP does not work for the static VTEP interface. PR1679115

  • EVPN MPLS traffic drop can be observed in a multi-vendor PE CE device setup with single-active LAG. PR1680421

  • The show ethernet switching table command does not synchronize between two MH PE devices after GRES. PR1686546

  • RPD (Routing Protocol Daemon) core is observed due to remote BGP routes being flashed as active routes. PR1692249

Flow-based and Packet-based Processing

  • The hardware acceleration flag was not properly updated on RT_FLOW_SESSION_CLOSE logs. Additionally, the values for "Services-offload-sessions" for customers using SPC2's in their SRX5000-Series devices was incorrect. PR1629216

  • In SD-WAN the association between VRF instance and VRF group fails for ISSU from 19.2~21.1 to 22.2R1. PR1661935

Forwarding and Sampling

  • Traffic drop seen and filter not hitting as expected for match condition traffic class with FLT option configured. PR1573350

  • The MPC/FPC crash is seen on specific LC's running BGP Flowspec. PR1662955

  • MX platforms with specific line cards are affected due to increase in HEAP memory. PR1668521

  • Traffic loss may be observed when changing firewall configuration. PR1670622

  • The FPC crashes when the show filter memory command is used during a firewall filter configuration change. PR1680849

General Routing

  • MAC address change is not taking effect in static route with qualified-next-hop. PR1663484

  • Traffic loss might be seen when multicast route changes. PR1669498

  • The rpd-agent process might restart post mastership switchover. PR1669767


  • Junos upgrade might fail due to file system corruption. PR1668090

Interfaces and Chassis

  • VRRP flaps between MC-LAG peers. PR1579016

  • 22.2TOT :SecPDT:Unified L4/L7 Use Case Sky ATP: reth1 interface down and DCD cores observed on node1 during test on 22.2TOT image. PR1657021

  • The VRRP track might go down upon GRES. PR1668280

  • When donor interface is admin down, borrower can't be pinged from local/remote. PR1670362

  • VRRP master-master condition might occur when there are more than two devices in the VRRP group. PR1680178

  • Unable to configure ae interfaces more than 256. PR1681114

  • If vrrp authentication key is more than 16 characters instead of commit error it is ignoring remaining characters. PR1683871

  • Traffic is getting impacted as interface hold-time is not working with wan-phy framing. PR1684142

Juniper Extension Toolkit (JET)

  • Client's disconnect request using Stream.CloseSend() closing the connections. PR1667855

  • Modify RPC Connection TC failure with disconnect(). PR1677182

Layer 2 Ethernet Services

  • MX240:Verify VRRP stats is failed after Deactivate the Access interface. PR1666943

  • The jdhcpd crash might be observed in a DHCP Relay Agent scenario. PR1668015

  • The DHCP unicast acknowledge packet might be dropped. PR1676573

  • DHCP packets sent to the client have the Option 82 Suboption length set to 0. PR1684521


  • RSVP refcount leak and the rpd crash observed post LSP churn. PR1621771

  • The error severity of syslog message "ted_client reset" generated during commit is incorrect. PR1649565

  • The rpd core is seen due to IGP database and BGP LS database out of synchronization. PR1655031

  • Memory utilization keeps incrementing due to the path error message. PR1657872

  • The rpd crash would be observed in a RSVP scenario. PR1661526

  • A LSP might get stuck in the CSPF path computation stage. PR1661954

  • Transit LSR might stop sending RESV msg if there is no RRO in the LSP's PATH message. PR1667708

  • Traffic loss will be seen in an LDP->BGP-LU stitching scenario. PR1670334

  • Premature RSVP Path Error BW-Unavailable originated by PLR. PR1670638

  • VCCV BFD session will be down as the periodic ping will not work as expected in a seamless MPLS scenario. PR1670711

  • LDP Traffic will be blackholed when the L-ISIS/L-OSPF route changes due to interface level configuration. PR1671187

  • The rpd crash might be observed with Container LSPs. PR1672804

  • CPU utilization of rpd process may reach 100% while reporting LSP states to pccd if the IS-IS update churn is high. PR1673348

  • The rpd crashes very rarely when constructing LDP trace message irrespective of enable/disable LDP traceoptions. PR1676503

  • LDP egress-policy for default route ( with 'exact' option will make output label for the unrelated routes. PR1676551

  • The traffic might drop when the Link State protocol with the least preference is set to active and fails the CSPF algorithm. PR1677930

  • In an LDP -> BGP LU stitching scenario, Multiple LSPs will not be installed in the forwarding table, even if BGP Multipath and ECMP are enabled. PR1680574

  • In the RSVP-TE scenario, with Entropy label capability is enabled during MBB issues handling Resv Messages. PR1681403

  • The RE crashes when MPLS next-hop is created and deleted frequently. PR1681892

  • RSVP PathTear is not encapsulated by MPLS header when Bypass is used. PR1685182

  • On a controller based MPLS setup with container LSPs, rpd daemon crashes after LSP deletion occurs. PR1690458

  • [MX]L2VPN ping is failing when UHP rsvp LSP is used. PR1697982

  • Memory leak issue in TED. PR1701800

Network Management and Monitoring

  • Observed memory leak in eventd leak during GRES. PR1602536

  • The rpd crash will be observed post ephemeral database configuration commit synchronization. PR1610713

  • The "snmpd" process might crash if SNMP timeout happens. PR1666548

  • The snmpd core might be observed with filter-duplicates configuration. PR1669510

  • While loading MIB file, saw error : "DESCRIPTION" is missing for "mib-jnx-chas-defines.txt". PR1670858

  • AE (aggregated ethernet)interface beyond 1099 are allotted 0 snmp index. PR1683264

Platform and Infrastructure

  • The core interface goes down. PR1631217

  • The rmopd process crashes while deactivating all the TWAMP client control connections and executing show snmp mib walk ascii jnxTwampClientTestSessionsTable. PR1650997

  • Multicast packet drop causes pixelization. PR1655363

  • The CPU utilization might increase when a user login and logout to the device continuously. PR1662172

  • The line cards MPC10/MPC11/LC-9600 might crash. PR1667716

  • Traffic drop is be observed with layer 2 circuit local switching with PS interface. PR1669410

  • Traffic drop observed with SP style configuration for the logical tunnel in layer2 domain. PR1669478

  • Layer 2 packets other than IPv4/IPv6 (e.g. CFM) will get forwarded as out of order via MPC10 and MPC11 in the egress direction. PR1670316

  • DHCP bindings will fail for the client connected on an LT interface when DHCP snooping is enabled. PR1677631

  • The line card gets crashed during node/interface statistics reporting with resource monitoring. PR1681533

  • Traffic drop is seen after configuring fast-lookup-filter. PR1682164

  • Probes received counter is not correct when set "moving-average-size" > "history-size" under TWAMP client configuration. PR1685952

  • FPC might core if CFM flap trap monitor feature in use. PR1536417

  • Error message seen in clksyncd logs with SyncE/PTP configs "ESYNC-Error:ferrari_zl30362_reg_write: Error, EEC(0) not yet initialized". PR1583496

  • LTS19: MX2008: junos vmcore Dump failed. Partition too small. PR1604755

  • DSLite might not work on MX platforms installed with MPC7E line card and SPC3 service PIC. PR1632278

  • The show chassis firmware command does not show the revision for PIC FPGA. PR1633187

  • The ppman process might crash and MPC cards will be stuck in the ISSU state when "Unified ISSU with Enhanced Mode" is performed. PR1633286

  • Pyrite_VC: em0 interface ppeed is reflecting as 10G instead of 1G. PR1636668

  • Same VLAN cannot be used as data VLAN and VOIP VLAN together. PR1637195

  • Error message will be seen during FPC boot up on MX10003. PR1637756

  • The Layer 3 packets with the destination as IPv6 Link Local address will not work. PR1638642

  • USB device not visible in Junos OS. PR1639071

  • Enhanced subscriber management might not work when Junos is installed using USB image. PR1641712

  • The rpd crash might be seen in backup RE. PR1645457

  • The qemu-img: command not found error msg seen during PXE image install. PR1648328

  • MX960 :: bbe-statsd core observed at vlogging,smid_reregister, sdb_db_check,Juniper: :SmidInterface:: isReady in bbe-smgd daemon restart test. PR1648565

  • The MPC/FPC might crash or the traffic may be silently dropped/discarded. PR1649499

  • BGP Sensor "/bgp-rib/afi-safis/afi-safi/ipv4-unicast/loc-rib/" not available as a 'periodic' sensor. PR1649529

  • Traffic Loss will be observed with Virtual-Router. PR1650335

  • VMcore gets triggered when control packets go over IRB and GRE. PR1651273

  • PCS Errored blocks count will increment after Junos software upgrade to 20.2R1 or later. PR1651526

  • After enabling inline-jflow(sampling), PPE traps/logs or traffic drops. PR1652901

  • The bbe-smgd core is observed on MX platforms. PR1653546

  • EVPN-VXLAN: With evpn type 5 and NSR configuration, an RE switchover may result in momentary traffic drop for about 2 to 3 seconds. PR1655052

  • The 1G port always stays down while changing of 10G interface lane speed to 1G. PR1655089

  • The protocol state sync on backup RE is affected. PR1655249

  • Telemetry is reporting In-Error and CLI/SNMP does not report any counter in the In-Errors. PR1655651

  • The lane 0 information might not be displayed when the SNMP poll is done using ifindex. PR1656702

  • The mspmand will crash when service-set is configured with Syslog and SSL. PR1657027

  • rpm-postinst fails on boot. PR1657278

  • PTP passthrough packets are timestamped by certain line cards on MX platforms. PR1657291

  • The /interfaces/interface/state/counters/in-fcs-errors is not streamed to jvision collector. PR1657913

  • The jdhcpd process might be stuck at 99 percent if traceoptions is enabled in high DHCP traffic scenario. PR1658087

  • TOS(DSCP+ECN) bits not getting copied from the Inner L3 header to Outer VXLAN header. PR1658142

  • The packetio might core when router reboot or FPC reboot is triggered. PR1658839

  • Speed change from 10G to 1G on MX causes all other lanes to flap. PR1659087

  • JSD crash during cBNG container startup or restart from CLI from within a cBNG container. PR1659175

  • Traffic loss might be seen when a VXLAN port is recovering from a failure. PR1659533

  • Some of ports on MX platforms with MPC7E-10G do not come up with 1G speed. PR1660154

  • Soft assertions in RPD will fail during GRES. PR1660484

  • The port LEDs do not light up when 40G physical interfaces are up. PR1660532

  • The l2circuit backup might not get reverted to primary in rare condition. PR1661802

  • The fxpc crash might be observed with the RPF check enabled. PR1662508

  • In the EVPN-VXLAN scenario, the DHCP packets will get dropped when the DHCP relay agent is configured. PR1662524

  • Some packages name missing which is RMPSD and MOBILED in the show version detail command output. PR1662691

  • TCP MSS value might not get reflected to packets. PR1662950

  • network-instance name for streaming telemetry to be changed from default to DEFAULT to align with CONFIG stanza. PR1662999

  • The rpd core may be seen when there is a synchronization issue. PR1663050

  • The offset value might be high on the downstream node while switching between line cards which impacts 5G services. PR1663065

  • Primary and Backup NHG late binding is not supported, so the backup nhg should be created before the primary nhg and removed in the reverse order. PR1663310

  • The forwarding plane is not updated properly in scaled MVPN scenario after receiving PIM leave messages. PR1663568

  • Subscribers will be stuck in the Initializing or Terminating state. PR1663689

  • Trinity-based line cards with VPLS and CFM configuration may crash when the indirect NH associated with LSI IFL is deleted. PR1663725

  • Post switchover error message is seen during pccd initialization. PR1664165

  • System shutdown might be observed for erroneous read for system temperature from the ASIC. PR1664302

  • The show chassis fpc command displays inaccurate information about heap memory. PR1664448

  • SPC3: Receive [Rx] queue of direct memory access might be stuck which may cause issues in packet processing. PR1664517

  • The routing process on the device might crash when the IP address of local interface is changed to the IP address of BGP peer. PR1664527

  • Switch Fabric Board information for supporting PTP on MX10k8 with MX10K-LC2101 LC(s). PR1664569

  • Line card may crash after offline/online plane. PR1664602

  • MAC addresses learned on the RTG interface are not aging out. PR1664955

  • The link-degrade recovery will not work for a specific interface speed. PR1664978

  • The rpf-check feature might not be working in a Junos Subscriber management scenario. PR1665234

  • JDI-RCT:M/Mx: errors spew on junos upgrade @ rm: //opt/sdk/service-packages/...: is a directory. PR1665411

  • The process pfe might crash upon using some CLI commands frequently. PR1665515

  • Traffic loss will be seen when a high-priority class-of-service scheduler interface flaps. PR1665783

  • MAC-IP bindings for IPv4 (ARP) and IPv6 (ND) may not be processed for IRB interfaces in an EVPN scenario. PR1665828

  • In the SRTE scenario, sensors are wrongly populated for colored tunnel BSID routes when uncolored tunnels are enabled. PR1665943

  • The traffic loss might be observed over the AF interface. PR1666397

  • CmError: show system errors active detail fpc slot is returning empty output. PR1666510

  • BGP-LU traffic might be dropped when "CCNH ingress labeled-bgp inet" is configured. PR1666760

  • Traffic loss is observed when the VRRP is configured over the aggregated Ethernet interface. PR1666853

  • Traffic drop might occur on AF interface when PFE gets in disabled state on GNF in NodeSlice platforms. PR1666992

  • The hyper-mode might be set incorrectly after power cycle on MX platforms. PR1667226

  • H-VPLS traffic blackhole when mesh group local-switching is disabled. PR1667310

  • High numbers of PDs connected may result in high CPU utilization. PR1667564

  • The FPC might fail to initialize on Junos platforms. PR1667674

  • Shutting the CE interface and bringing back up causes traffic (going towards the core) drop. PR1667724

  • The RSVP interfaces are not streamed when removing the interface configuration. PR1667844

  • Shaping-rate is not taking 20 bytes of overhead into account. PR1667879

  • The inline services softwires (like 6rd, map-e) will corrupt memory leading to FPC crash. PR1667918

  • Periodic event generation doesn't work after Routing Engine reboot. PR1668152

  • Timestamp uint_val isn't proper is streaming output. PR1668265

  • Type-5 routes might not get programmed in PFE when the number of active interfaces and Vlan configured is high. PR1668352

  • The BGP multipath might not install some of the available next-hops. PR1668481

  • Kernel logs on cRPD containers running on the same host are incomplete. PR1668794

  • EVPN PE router might respond traceroute with unexpected source IP address to remote CE devices. PR1668837

  • Commit configuration check-out failed while configuring syslog stream host IP in specific range. PR1668941

  • Traffic loss might be observed for the multicast traffic. PR1668976

  • UDP: optics sensor data missing snmp_if_index under Optics_diag. PR1669333

  • The rpd process restarts after generating core files. PR1669346

  • jsd memory leak and may lead jsd restart. PR1669426

  • The process fabspoked-pfe crash might be observed while executing CLI commands for fabric statistics. PR1669435

  • Update Flush API response to current published proto definitions. PR1669536

  • The error will be observed if eTree is used with EVPN-MPLS and the routing-instance is changed. PR1669609

  • Periodic rebalancing of subscribers over AE interface might not work. PR1669637

  • LLDP neighborship might fail if the chassis-id format of the LLDP packet is xx:xx:xx:XX:XX:xx'. PR1669677

  • Errors are seen on bringing SIB online. PR1669713

  • Layer filters matching DMAC/Etype take no effect on L2 SP-style aggregated Ethernet interface. PR1669718

  • Interoperability issue between legacy line cards and MPC10E/11E causes Layer 2 packet drop. PR1669765

  • USB installation package loads with 32-bit smartd binary version. PR1669892

  • EVPN multicast traffic might get impacted because of routes getting stuck in the kernel routing table (krt) queue. PR1670435

  • Fabric Destination error and Fabric plane going in check state after changing the fabric redundancy mode. PR1670507

  • Subscriber traffic drops are seen on all Junos MX platforms with reason of 'sw error' in PFE State Invalid after ISSU. PR1670577

  • On MX platforms, back to back modification of the Interface profile results in ports not come up. PR1670685

  • Routing Engine reboot can be seen when PPPoE subscribers login. PR1671135

  • PTP server state stuck in acquiring state when configured on a port enabled with Ingress Queueing feature. PR1671262

  • MX150 platform reports error for bandwidth license. PR1671347

  • Traffic loss seen due to SPC3's packets getting stuck. PR1671649

  • Traffic impact might be seen due to an unexpected reboot of SPC3 card. PR1672819

  • Backup FEB1 links down after master FEB0 restart. PR1673274

  • The new primary Routing Engine might self-reboot after the kernel crashes on an old primary Routing Engine. PR1673306

  • Memory leaks by any change in IPv4 or IPv6 multicast prefixes. PR1673341

  • Reporting-interval in the show jvision sensor info command gets stuck at 65000 when configured reporting rate is changed from 65000 to 68000. PR1673476

  • Training failures reported on the MX2010/MX2020 Junos platforms post fabric plane offline-online. PR1673806

  • OSPF state stuck in Init state in IGMP-snooping enabled scenario. PR1674217

  • During the smooth upgrade from SFB1 to SFB2, SFB2 gets detected as "Unknown Fabric Board". PR1674309

  • SNMP traps "Power Supply failed" and "Power Supply OK" are not generated. PR1674322

  • The "nsd" may crash post NAT rule configuration change. PR1674381

  • The 'kmd' process might crash due to SA re-negotiation failure during IKE phase-1. PR1674585

  • The fragment-offset-except match condition will not work with some values. PR1675482

  • In a rare case, 'pccd' will crash when the PCEP connection is down. PR1675816

  • Traffic flow will be affected as interfaces will be removed from VLAN. PR1675861

  • PFE core dump is seen when the CPCD service is modified. PR1675985

  • MX-SPC3 PIC core dump is seen when a CPCD service is modified. PR1675990

  • MPC stuck in present state with log " graceful offline in progress, returning false" flooding. PR1676008

  • Minor memory leak in 'bbe-statsd' daemon may be seen when subscriber-management is enabled on MX devices. PR1676049

  • Traffic would not go through on the management port at link speeds 10M and 100M. PR1676433

  • While processing SNMP GetNext requests 'trasportd' might reach 100% of CPU utilization. PR1676593

  • The traffic does not re-route quickly causing traffic silently discarded. PR1676740

  • Traffic drop can be seen on MX platforms with MPC10E-10C line card. PR1676777

  • IS-IS packet drop observed for packets having GRE over FTI-VXLAN header. PR1676912

  • Traffic drop can be seen for MPC7/8/9 during unified ISSU in a specific scenario. PR1678130

  • Memory leak is observed after GRES. PR1678217

  • The show interfaces diagnostics optics interface command displays all 0 on 100/400G port on MPC10E card. PR1678716

  • The rpd process crashes when a delegated LSP with IPv6 install prefix is configured. PR1678874

  • On linecards MPC10E, MPC11E and LC9600, no user configured MAC address on IRB IFL is used as source MAC in the transit path. PR1678927

  • The pccd process might crash during MBB for an externally controlled LSP. PR1678970

  • The l2ald is treating MAC as a duplicate causing traffic loss. PR1680242

  • The process bbe-smgd on the router would stop processing new PPPoE subscribers session. PR1680453

  • The dynamic tunnel route gets removed when a new tunnel is brought up for the same selector. PR1680775

  • Traffic drop would be observed only when the backup link is up on link-protection LAG interface. PR1680889

  • The PFE process crashes from 21.4R1 version onwards on VMhost platforms. PR1681532

  • Fabric Plane check/error alarm would be seen due to the burst traffic in MS-MPC line cards. PR1681624

  • The policy-multipath route inherits the attributes of active-route but does not undergo resolution, causing an incorrect metric value. PR1683003

  • 'clear interfaces statistics all' taking more than 9 min due to invalid PIC configuration inside GNF. PR1683312

  • The traffic drop would be observed with inter-VLAN configuration when deactivating and activating the EVPN routing instance. PR1683321

  • Commit check error message is not thrown when DetNAT is configured with AMS load-balancing-options. PR1683772

  • srv6-oam: more than one label stack is not suppoting,gives as Maximum number of sids supported is 0 error in srv6 ping in JNP10008-SF2/JNP10K-LC2301 [lc9600]. PR1683883

  • The rpd crash when SRv6 service routes resolve over SRv6 SRTE policies using older resolution scheme. PR1683993

  • Traffic would hit wrong queue post unified ISSU. PR1684019

  • The l2cpd process crash might be observed when disabling RSTP on an interface. PR1684072

  • An interface configured as 1G might flap on a port with the mixed speeds of 1G and 10G after a PIC restart. PR1684728

  • Insufficient space for vmcores for JUNOS VM. PR1684968

  • TI-LFA backup path is not computed which effects slow convergence in case of failures. PR1685064

  • Multiple bbe-smgd cores might be observed resulting in subscribers being lost or failing to login in the Enhanced subscriber scenario. PR1685070

  • When uncorrectable FEC/CRC errors above the threshold are injected the plane is not going to check state. PR1685230

  • PICs on the GNF failed to come online after the chassisd restart. PR1685453

  • Illinois: K8 CP: Telenor Norway CST: bbe-smd-cpd core (patricia_delete; - bbe_cos_drop_profile_remove_all .../bbe_cos_drop_profile.c:837) during commit after adding very large class-of-service stanza to CP configuration. PR1685482

  • The l2ald core seen after zeroize. PR1686097

  • The rpd crash would be observed when two separate next-hops in rpd map to the same next-hop-index in the kernel. PR1686211

  • VPLS traffic loss might be seen when deleting and adding a routing-instance. PR1686523

  • [bgp] [Cores] Scapa : Rpd core seen in __assert_fail_base, __GI___assert_fail, patricia_delete, spring_te_tunnel_delete_now,spring_te_tunnel_id_repl_entry_unlock, mirror_dequeue. PR1687287

  • The FPC crash is observed with a flexible-match-mask condition. PR1687862

  • On Junos and Junos Evolved platforms delegated LSP control will not be returned to the PCC in specific scenario. PR1687885

  • The LLDP output packets are not transmitting on the em0 interface of Junos OS platforms. PR1688023

  • A kernel crash can be seen with MIC-3D-8DS3-E3 installed. PR1688315

  • The LACP would get stuck in a continuous update loop in the MC-LAG scenario. PR1688958

  • DCSPF LSPs remain down indefinitely after router-id of the ingress router is changed. PR1689067

  • The logical interface policer is not working as expected when applied to filter input-list and output-list. PR1689199

  • "failed to get template var id" error messages are generated by FPC when BFD liveness detection is negotiated by DHCP subscriber which has lawful intercept enabled. PR1689621

  • A 1G port on a QSFPP-4x10G transceiver will be down sometimes after the FPC restart. PR1689644

  • Use latest os-package when upgrading. PR1691209

  • The firewall bridge filter policers (attached to AE interface) are not working on all Junos MX platform with MPC10 card upon deactivate-activate a term intended to limit overall traffic. PR1692070

  • ALG child session will not be transported through the DS-Lite tunnel which might lead to traffic failures in absence of a direct route to the host. PR1692525

  • JNP10K-LC9600: G.8275.1: 2way/cTE fails to meet class-B with asymmetric port combinations. PR1692746

  • Traffic loss is observed when the ECMP path is IRB over AE (IPv4->MPLS). PR1693424

  • Traffic loss will be seen when MACSEC is configured. PR1693730

  • NDP cannot resolve neighbor after clearing IPv6 neighbor. PR1694009

  • BMP EOR is sent with wrong peer address causing BMP failure. PR1695320

  • MPC11E goes offline with fpc-slice configured. PR1695510

  • JNP10K-LC9600: G.8275.1: 2way time error spikes seen upon switching between two upstream congruent primaries. PR1696880

Routing Policy and Firewall Filters

  • The rpd process crashes whenever it is getting shut down with router reboot, rpd restart, RE switchover, and software upgrade. PR1670998

  • lo0 egress filter with next-header option not supported. PR1672315

  • The aftmand process crash might be observed. PR1683361

Routing Protocols

  • An IGMPv2 snooping proxy will originate IGMPv3 membership for a new group join request towards a multicast router. PR1637090

  • Ipv6 Inline BFD sessions are down when neighbor is not resolved. PR1650677

  • The show security keychain detail CLI displays algorithm as hmac-* when ao authentication algorithm is configured. PR1651195

  • Wrong next-hop weight might be observed with BGP PIC enabled. PR1652666

  • Routing Process Daemon (rpd) crashes and restarts when a specific timing condition is hit with BGP configuration. PR1659441

  • Incorrect inactive routes are being propagated to neighbors with add-path. PR1660456

  • Damping policy not working as expected when import policy and damping policy are changed in one commit. PR1660571

  • Traffic loss will be seen due to delay in BGP convergence time. PR1663883

  • The v4 prefixes might not be advertised over the BGPv6 sessions. PR1664168

  • The BSR information might not be flooded over NG-MVPN. PR1664211

  • BGP labeled-unicast inactive routes might not be advertised when add-path is configured. PR1665610

  • High CPU will be seen due to frequent triggering of SPF for IS-IS. PR1667575

  • The rpd process might crash on removing the BGP-LU configuration. PR1669514

  • RPD crash might be observed due to multiple sequences of flap events. PR1669615

  • The rpd crash is observed while making configurational changes. PR1669716

  • BGP inactive routes might not be advertised to peers in BGP-LU scenario. PR1669930

  • The rpd crashes upon receiving BGP multi-nexthops inetflow route in the 21.4 software release and onward. PR1670630

  • Source/Destination AS fields shows up as 0 in the flow record. PR1670673

  • The rpd can crash while route exchange using BGP and LDP in a rare scenario. PR1671081

  • The backup next hop computation might not be as expected for some random prefixes when there is a topology change. PR1671672

  • MCSNOOPD will be restarted and will again learn the states after core. PR1672488

  • Vrfs with color routes which needs resolution can trigger a crash in rpd when bgp peers are going down. PR1673160

  • The IS-IS learnt routes might be downloaded to RIB again and again if the prefix attribute flags are different. PR1673953

  • Segment-routing might incorrectly set a pop action for paths using a Strict SPF(1) Algorithm. PR1674804

  • MX304: KRT queue shows deferred operation while creating IFL after FPC offline/online event. PR1675212

  • The process rpd (route process daemon) crashes with BGP VPN (Border gateway protocol - Virtual Private Network) config, while ebgp (external bgp) routes exported into ibgp (internal bgp) core with vrf (virtual route forward) configured. PR1675893

  • Micro BFD session state in Routing Engine remain UP even peer side session is down. PR1675921

  • Label traffic will be dropped at the one-hop LSP stitching node if the packet has more than one label. PR1677567

  • High CPU is seen on the platforms running IPv6. PR1677749

  • Inter-domain forwarding connectivity will be broken between different lo0s in the option-C network causing problems for the MPLS transit-route. PR1677935

  • Traffic drops due to the generation of the FPC core, which makes the system unstable. PR1678016

  • RV task replication will be stuck in the "NotStarted" state when routing-options validation is deactivated/activated. PR1679495

  • The AGGREGATOR attribute will not be set correctly when the independent-domain is configured. PR1679646

  • BGP auto-discovery sessions does not work any more after an interface flap. PR1679950

  • InboundConvergencePending flag is set after the Routing Engine switchover. PR1680360

  • Traffic loss is seen when the router in helper mode deletes the route for the router undergoing graceful restart. PR1682506

  • The rpd process will crash and generate core post graceful restart. PR1682778

  • On single PFE with Fusion satellite, LACP is not sending PDUs. PR1687395

  • The rpd crash would be seen on a system running with IGP shortcuts. PR1690231

  • RPD core is seen when using a BGP neighbor telemetry subscription in a sharding environment. PR1692255

  • OSPF stuck in InitStrictBFD state for the neighbor which does not send LLS header. PR1700966

Services Applications

  • L2TP session might not come up when L2TP access-line-information is not configured. PR1667861

  • VMcore or Routing Engine crash might be triggered due to the memory corruption when the FPC is restarted for LNS subscribers. PR1667950

Subscriber Access Management

  • New service profile provided by Radius during re-authentication triggered by DHCP Renew packet with changed actual data rate TLVs might not be applied. PR1665947

  • CoA-NAK might not be sent for a coa-request-retry of the same service. PR1667002

  • Errors are seen when the accounting server source address is IPv6. PR1669284

  • The authd process crashes during GRES recovery phase. PR1687998

User Interface and Configuration

  • Commit and commit check fails when you configure the interface-range command. PR1656565

  • Configuration changes are not effective if special groups are applied using regex like, apply-groups "${node}"; using explicit special groups names apply-groups [node0 node1]; solves the problem. PR1660165

  • Commit failure when changing BGP well-known community attributes. PR1669375

  • Configuration failure occurs after upgrade when modifying group for lsp auto-bandwidth. PR1671038

  • Test Configuration might fail even though the config file is having valid configurations. PR1671112

  • Upgrade/downgrade/rollback to 22.2R1 will fail if "system configuration-database extend-size" is configured. PR1672348

  • "gethostbyname: Host name lookup failure" is displayed during commit. PR1673176

  • Device is not entering in CLI mode; CLI core dumps are generated. PR1673979


  • Traffic over IPSec tunnels may be dropped during ISSU. PR1416334

  • 19.2TH:VPN:SRX5600: While verifying the show security ipsec next-hop-tunnels command output in device the IPsec SA and NHTB entry does not get cleared after configuring firewall filter. PR1432925

  • Restore ATMVPN address family NLRI and use a new NLRI value for BGP Multicast NLRI. PR1590331

  • Tunnel bringing up failed from strongswan when changing the configuration IKE in VR and the NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN notify error error message gets generated. PR1627963

  • The multicast receiver receives no traffic in an extranet scenario having an SPT tree already. established PR1675099

  • Memory leak will be seen in rpd process. PR1662239

  • Core files gets generated with multiple daemons restart. PR1682573