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  • Support for Software driven Wide Area Network (SWAN) ping and traceroute command for PRPD static routes (PTX10008 and PTX10016 )—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.4R1, SWAN ping and traceroute commands verify the PRPD static path by sending the MPLS echo request packet with the entire labelstack along the same data path that carries the data traffic. To forward this echo request, Junos OS follows a similar process it uses to forward any other packet.

    [See ping mpls segment routing static egress-ip and traceroute mpls segment-routing static egress-ip.]

  • PCEP multipath support for SR-TE (MX480, PTX10008, and QFX5200)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.4R1, you can configure the multipath feature (primary or secondary paths) for Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) segment routing-traffic engineering (SR-TE) as defined in draft-ietf-pce-multipath-06. We support the following multipath capabilities:

    • When the PCEP multipath feature is enabled, you can configure multiple primary or secondary paths in a candidate path that you configure and control using Path Computation Client (PCC).Note that the PCEP multipath feature is enabled by default.

    • When the PCEP multipath feature is disabled, you can configure only one primary path in a candidate path. Note that a secondary path configuration is not allowed.

    The PCEP multipath feature removes the compute-profile restriction of 1 on the maximum number of segment lists (maximum-computed-segment-lists).


    When PCEP multipath is enabled, PCCD will not send constraints for PCC-controlled candidate paths.

    [See Configuring Multiple Paths for Path Computation Element Protocol SR-TE Overview.]