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Routing Policy and Firewall Filters

  • MPLS Filter Payload Match (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 22.4R1, match conditions for IPv4 and IPv6 payload fields are available for MPLS traffic. Additionally, the following match conditions are available:
    • MPLS header EXP match conditions for MPLS traffic

      exp0, exp1, exp0-except, exp1-except. Existing match conditions - exp and exp-except will be deprecated.

    • MPLS header Label match conditions for MPLS traffic

      label0, label1, label0-except, and label1-except. Existing match conditions - label and label-except will be deprecated.

    • MPLS header TTL match conditions for MPLS traffic

      ttl0, ttl1, ttl0-except, and ttl1-except. Existing match conditions ttl and ttl-except will be deprecated.

    • MPLS header Bottom of Stack match conditions for MPLS traffic

      bottom-of-stack0 and bottom-of-stack1

    [See Firewall Filter Match Conditions for MPLS Traffic.]