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What’s Changed

Learn about what changed in this release for the PTX Series.

Junos XML API and Scripting

  • Ability to commit extension-service file configuration when application file is unavailable— When you set the optional option at the edit system extension extension-service application file file-name hierarchy level, the operating system can commit the configuration even if the file is not available at the /var/db/scripts/jet file path.

    [See file (JET).]

  • The xmlns:junos attribute includes the complete software version string (ACX Series, EX Series, MX Series, PTX Series, QFX Series, SRX Series, vMX, and vSRX)—The xmlns:junos namespace string in XML RPC replies includes the complete software version release number, which is identical to the version emitted by the show version command. In earlier releases, the xmlns:junos string includes only partial software version information.

Network Management and Monitoring

  • operator login class is restricted from viewing NETCONF trace files that are no-world-readable (ACX Series, EX Series, MX Series, PTX Series, QFX Series, SRX Series, vMX, and vSRX)—When you configure NETCONF tracing options at the [edit system services netconf traceoptions] hierarchy level and you restrict file access to the file owner by setting or omitting the no-world-readable statement (the default), users assigned to the operator login class do not have permissions to view the trace file.