Resolved Issues
Learn about the issues fixed in this release for SRX Series.
- Application Layer Gateways (ALGs)
- Chassis Clustering
- Class of Service (CoS)
- Flow-Based and Packet-Based Processing
- J-Web
- Network Address Translation (NAT)
- Network Management and Monitoring
- Platform and Infrastructure
- Routing Policy and Firewall Filters
- Routing Protocols
- User Interface and Configuration
- VLAN Infrastructure
- VPNs
Application Layer Gateways (ALGs)
Chassis Clustering
Class of Service (CoS)
"show interfaces queue interface" command output not correctly displaying bps values for throughput higher than 4.25Gbps PR1596172
Flow-Based and Packet-Based Processing
22.2R1:SRX5K:SD-WAN: To track RE and PFE sync issue with NAT configs and closed scan session counter issue PR1661796
In SD-WAN the association between VRF instance and VRF group fails for ISSU from 19.2~21.1 to 22.2R1 PR1661935
The flow sessions traversing the IOC2 card would time out early when Express Path is enabled PR1688658
SOF was incorrectly offloading short-lived flows leading to early exhaustion of NP memory, reducing overall device performance PR1692100
The PMI mode IPSEC tunnel on SRX4100/4200/4600, vSRX, and SRX5K with SPC3 card will core when the route is changed frequently PR1705996
All the security policies on Junos SRX platforms can get deleted while trying to delete any particular policy via J-Web PR1681549
Network Address Translation (NAT)
MNHA: Incorrectly a warning is thrown at commit check for Source NAT config when the source-address or destination-address of the NAT rule is set as PR1699407
Network Management and Monitoring
High logging rate may cause 'eventd' to increase RE CPU utilization PR1661323
Platform and Infrastructure
SMS Channel Down alarm on primary node of HA pair after upgrade PR1629972
21.3R2:SRX_RIAD:srx1500,srx4200:SKYATP:IMAP/IMAPS Email permitted counter is not incremented in AAMW email statistics while testing whole email block. PR1646661
Packet loss might be seen on SRX4100 and SRX4200 devices from 20.2R2 PR1650112
Split tunneling feature will not work PR1655202
Archived files created by non-root users may not include some files PR1657958
SRX4600 platforms in split brain scenario post ISSU PR1658148
show fwauth user details is not displaying group information PR1659115
PR : monitored IP addresses for a redundancy group are reachable despite removing the redundant Ethernet interface from a zone PR1668532
Traffic loss seen due to SPC3's packets getting stuck PR1671649
VPN tunnel will not be established in exclusive client scenario PR1674522
Netbios traffic (IRB broadcast) is getting dropped post upgrade on the SRX platform PR1675853
PKID process crashes when validating the certificate chain of a certificate PR1679067
Dial-on-demand mode on the dialer interface is not working as expected PR1680405
"%DAEMON-4: Set system alarm failed: Operation not supported by device" message is seen on high end SRX PR1681701
SRX4600HA might not failover properly due to a hardware failure PR1683213
"NSD_CLEAR_POLICY_DNS_CACHE_ENTRY_IP" log is not found on the device after keeing DNS cache entry unchanged PR1684268
The cluster fabric link will be down post reboot of node or power cycle PR1684756
The user authentication page is not rendering on the client browser PR1685116
unexpected default event-rate value for event mode logging PR1687244
The chassis cluster will not respond to DNS queries when configured with DNS proxy service PR1688481
The system may crash when Jflow inactive timeout is configured to be less than 'previous flow-inactive-timeout + 180' seconds PR1688627
SNMP MIB walk for jnxBoxDescr OID returns incorrect value PR1689705
SRX cluster may fail in a rare scenario when node status changes to disabled state without going through the ineligible state PR1692611
Fabric monitoring suspension and control link failure may cause HA cluster outage PR1698797
The process srxpfd/ flowd will crash on SRX devices PR1694449
Routing Policy and Firewall Filters
SRX stops refreshing the FQDNs used in the security policies and NAT PR1680749
Routing Protocols
High CPU is seen on the platforms running IPv6 PR1677749
User Interface and Configuration
IPSec tunnel will flap post MNHA configuration commit PR1669104
VLAN Infrastructure
Traffic over IPSec tunnels may be dropped during ISSU PR1416334
19.2TH:VPN:SRX5600: While verifying "show security ipsec next-hop-tunnels" output in device the IPsec SA and NHTB entry is not getting cleared after configuring firewall filter PR1432925
Packets traversing through a policy-based VPN get dropped when PowerMode is enabled PR1663364
The kmd crash is seen if the external-interface is empty in the IKE gateway configuration PR1664910
Master-encryption-password is not accessible when system is in FIPS mode PR1665506
VPN traffic loss is seen after HA node reboot while using traffic selectors PR1667223
High Control Plane CPU utilisation while the kmd process is stuck after the core file PR1673391
22.4R1:SRX_RIAD:srx5600:MN_HA:ike cookies didn't change in rekey lifetime expire cases after manual failover PR1690921