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Class of Service

  • HCoS support for transport slices (MX Series)—Starting with Junos OS Release 22.3R1, MX Series devices support hierarchical CoS (HCoS) for transport slices. You can configure up to three levels of HCoS for transport slices:
    • Physical interface (Level 1)

    • Individual slices (Level 2)

    • Eight queues per slice (Level 3)

    You can assign a traffic control profile (TCP) to a slice by setting slice slice-name output-traffic-control-profile tcp-name at the [edit class-of-service interface interface-name] hierarchy level.

    [See slice (CoS Interfaces).]

  • HCoS support for per-slice statistics (MX Series)

    Starting with Junos OS Release 22.3R1, you can view hierarchical CoS (HCoS) per-slice statistics for a physical interface on an MX Series device. To see the per-slice statistics, use the show interfaces queue interface-name slice slice-name command.

    [See show interfaces queue .]