Additional Features
We have extended support for the following features to these platforms:
Controller-based BGP multicast signaling (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10004, PTX10008, and QFX5220)
Enhanced rapid ping command output (ACX7100-32C, ACX7100-48L, ACX7509, PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, PTX10016,QFX5130-32CD, QFX5220, and QFX5700)— Output for ping commands using the rapid option now displays the following symbols:
"!" for echo reply packets received within 500 ms
"." for echo reply packets not seen within 500 ms
"C" for received responses where the checksum of the reply is bad
[See ping.]
Filter-based forwarding (FBF) support on L3 sub-interfaces (QFX5700)
FBF on AE and non-AE interfaces
FBF on VXLAN-enabled L3 sub-interfaces
FBF on IRB interfaces
If a filter has terms with routing-instance action, only the terms with routing-instance actions will be processed at a higher priority compared to other terms in the filter. Suppose that the filter has term1 without routing-instance action and term2 with routing-instance action: If a packet matches both term1 and term2, then term2 will take a higher priority compared to term1. Therefore, the actions of term2 will be applied.
MLD snooping and IRB stitching support (QFX5130-32CD, QFX5220, and QFX5700)
[See Understanding MLD Snooping.]
Media Access Control Security (MACsec) (QFX5700 with 16x100G line cards)
Operational command RPC support for returning JSON and XML output in minified format in NETCONF sessions (ACX7100-32C, ACX7100-48L, ACX7509, PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, PTX10016, QFX5130-32CD, and QFX5220)
[See Specifying the Output Format for Operational Information Requests in a NETCONF Session.]
Support for the NTP restrict command (ACX7509, PTX10004, PTX10016, and QFX5700)
[See Configuring NTP Access Restrictions for a Specific Address (SRC CLI).]
Supported transceivers, optical interfaces, and DAC cables—Select your product in the Hardware Compatibility Tool to view supported transceivers, optical interfaces, and direct attach copper (DAC) cables for your platform or interface module. We update this tool and provide the first supported release information when the optic becomes available.