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Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions

This section contains the procedure to upgrade Junos OS, and the upgrade and downgrade policies for Junos OS. Upgrading or downgrading Junos OS can take several hours, depending on the size and configuration of the network.

Starting in Junos OS release 21.2R1, all Junos OS products which were previously running on FreeBSD 11.x based Junos OS are migrated to FreeBSD 12.x based Junos OS, except EX4400. Starting with Junos OS release 21.3R1, EX4400 platforms are migrated to FreeBSD 12.x based Junos OS.

Upgrading Software on QFX Series Switches

When upgrading or downgrading Junos OS, always use the jinstall package. Use other packages (such as the jbundle package) only when so instructed by a Juniper Networks support representative. For information about the contents of the jinstall package and details of the installation process, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide and Junos OS Basics in the QFX Series documentation.

If you are not familiar with the download and installation process, follow these steps:

  1. In a browser, go to

    The Junos Platforms Download Software page appears.

  2. In the QFX Series section of the Junos Platforms Download Software page, select the QFX Series platform for which you want to download the software.

  3. Select 22.2 in the Release pull-down list to the right of the Software tab on the Download Software page.

  4. In the Install Package section of the Software tab, select the QFX Series Install Package for the 22.2 release.

    An Alert box appears.

  5. In the Alert box, click the link to the PSN document for details about the software, and click the link to download it.

    A login screen appears.

  6. Log in to the Juniper Networks authentication system using the username (generally your e-mail address) and password supplied by Juniper Networks representatives.

  7. Download the software to a local host.

  8. Copy the software to the device or to your internal software distribution site.

  9. Install the new jinstall package on the device.


    We recommend that you upgrade all software packages out of band using the console, because in-band connections are lost during the upgrade process.

    Customers in the United States and Canada use the following command:

    Replace source with one of the following values:

    • /pathname—For a software package that is installed from a local directory on the switch.

    • For software packages that are downloaded and installed from a remote location:

      • ftp://hostname/pathname

      • http://hostname/pathname

      • scp://hostname/pathname (available only for Canada and U.S. version)

    Adding the reboot command reboots the switch after the upgrade is installed. When the reboot is complete, the switch displays the login prompt. The loading process can take 5 to 10 minutes.

    Rebooting occurs only if the upgrade is successful.


After you install a Junos OS Release 22.2 jinstall package, you can issue the request system software rollback command to return to the previously installed software.

Installing the Software on QFX10002-60C Switches

This section explains how to upgrade the software, which includes both the host OS and the Junos OS. This upgrade requires that you use a VM host package—for example, a junos-vmhost-install-x.tgz .

During a software upgrade, the alternate partition of the SSD is upgraded, which will become primary partition after a reboot .If there is a boot failure on the primary SSD, the switch can boot using the snapshot available on the alternate SSD.


The QFX10002-60C switch supports only the 64-bit version of Junos OS.


If you have important files in directories other than /config and /var, copy the files to a secure location before upgrading. The files under /config and /var (except /var/etc) are preserved after the upgrade.

To upgrade the software, you can use the following methods:

If the installation package resides locally on the switch, execute the request vmhost software add <pathname><source> command.

For example:

If the Install Package resides remotely from the switch, execute the request vmhost software add <pathname><source> command.

For example:

After the reboot has finished, verify that the new version of software has been properly installed by executing the show version command.

Installing the Software on QFX10002 Switches


If you are upgrading from a version of software that does not have the FreeBSD 10 kernel (15.1X53-D30, for example), you will need to upgrade from Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D30 to Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D32. After you have installed Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D32, you can upgrade to Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D60 or Junos OS Release 18.3R1.


On the switch, use the force-host option to force-install the latest version of the Host OS. However, by default, if the Host OS version is different from the one that is already installed on the switch, the latest version is installed without using the force-host option.

If the installation package resides locally on the switch, execute the request system software add <pathname><source> reboot command.

For example:

If the Install Package resides remotely from the switch, execute the request system software add <pathname><source> reboot command.

For example:

After the reboot has finished, verify that the new version of software has been properly installed by executing the show version command.

Upgrading Software from Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D3X to Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D60, 15.1X53-D61.7, 15.1X53-D62, and 15.1X53-D63 on QFX10008 and QFX10016 Switches


Before you install the software, back up any critical files in /var/home. For more information regarding how to back up critical files, contact Customer Support at

The switch contains two Routing Engines, so you will need to install the software on each Routing Engine (re0 and re1).

If the installation package resides locally on the switch, execute the request system software add <pathname><source> command.

To install the software on re0:

If the Install Package resides remotely from the switch, execute the request system software add <pathname><source> re0 command.

For example:

To install the software on re1:

If the Install Package resides remotely from the switch, execute the request system software add <pathname><source> re1 command.

For example:

Reboot both Routing Engines.

For example:

After the reboot has finished, verify that the new version of software has been properly installed by executing the show version command.

Installing the Software on QFX10008 and QFX10016 Switches

Because the switch has two Routing Engines, perform a Junos OS installation on each Routing Engine separately to avoid disrupting network operation.


Before you install the software, back up any critical files in /var/home. For more information regarding how to back up critical files, contact Customer Support at


If graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES), nonstop bridging (NSB), or nonstop active routing (NSR) is enabled when you initiate a software installation, the software does not install properly. Make sure you issue the CLI delete chassis redundancy command when prompted. If GRES is enabled, it will be removed with the redundancy command. By default, NSR is disabled. If NSR is enabled, remove the nonstop-routing statement from the [edit routing-options] hierarchy level to disable it.

  1. Log in to the master Routing Engine’s console.

    For more information about logging in to the Routing Engine through the console port, see the specific hardware guide for your switch.

  2. From the command line, enter configuration mode:

  3. Disable Routing Engine redundancy:

  4. Disable nonstop-bridging:

  5. Save the configuration change on both Routing Engines:

  6. Exit the CLI configuration mode:

    After the switch has been prepared, you first install the new Junos OS release on the backup Routing Engine, while keeping the currently running software version on the master Routing Engine. This enables the master Routing Engine to continue operations, minimizing disruption to your network.

    After making sure that the new software version is running correctly on the backup Routing Engine, you are ready to switch routing control to the backup Routing Engine, and then upgrade or downgrade the software version on the other Routing Engine.

  7. Log in to the console port on the other Routing Engine (currently the backup).

    For more information about logging in to the Routing Engine through the console port, see the specific hardware guide for your switch.

  8. Install the new software package using the request system software add command:

    For more information about the request system software add command, see the CLI Explorer.

  9. Reboot the switch to start the new software using the request system reboot command:


    You must reboot the switch to load the new installation of Junos OS on the switch.

    To abort the installation, do not reboot your switch. Instead, finish the installation and then issue the request system software delete <package-name> command. This is your last chance to stop the installation.

    All the software is loaded when you reboot the switch. Installation can take between 5 and 10 minutes. The switch then reboots from the boot device on which the software was just installed. When the reboot is complete, the switch displays the login prompt.

    While the software is being upgraded, the Routing Engine on which you are performing the installation is not sending traffic.

  10. Log in and issue the show version command to verify the version of the software installed.

    Once the software is installed on the backup Routing Engine, you are ready to switch routing control to the backup Routing Engine, and then upgrade or downgrade the master Routing Engine software.

  11. Log in to the master Routing Engine console port.

    For more information about logging in to the Routing Engine through the console port, see the specific hardware guide for your switch.

  12. Transfer routing control to the backup Routing Engine:

    For more information about the request chassis routing-engine master command, see the CLI Explorer.

  13. Verify that the backup Routing Engine (slot 1) is the master Routing Engine:

  14. Install the new software package using the request system software add command:

    For more information about the request system software add command, see the CLI Explorer.

  15. Reboot the Routing Engine using the request system reboot command:


    You must reboot to load the new installation of Junos OS on the switch.

    To abort the installation, do not reboot your system. Instead, finish the installation and then issue the request system software delete jinstall <package-name> command. This is your last chance to stop the installation.

    The software is loaded when you reboot the system. Installation can take between 5 and 10 minutes. The switch then reboots from the boot device on which the software was just installed. When the reboot is complete, the switch displays the login prompt.

    While the software is being upgraded, the Routing Engine on which you are performing the installation does not send traffic.

  16. Log in and issue the show version command to verify the version of the software installed.

  17. Transfer routing control back to the master Routing Engine:

    For more information about the request chassis routing-engine master command, see the CLI Explorer.

  18. Verify that the master Routing Engine (slot 0) is indeed the master Routing Engine:

Performing a Unified ISSU

You can use unified ISSU to upgrade the software running on the switch with minimal traffic disruption during the upgrade.


Unified ISSU is supported in Junos OS Release 13.2X51-D15 and later.

Perform the following tasks:

Preparing the Switch for Software Installation

Before you begin software installation using unified ISSU:

  • Ensure that nonstop active routing (NSR), nonstop bridging (NSB), and graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES) are enabled. NSB and GRES enable NSB-supported Layer 2 protocols to synchronize protocol information between the master and backup Routing Engines.

    To verify that nonstop active routing is enabled:


    If nonstop active routing is enabled, then graceful Routing Engine switchover is enabled.

    If nonstop active routing is not enabled (Stateful Replication is Disabled), see Configuring Nonstop Active Routing on Switches for information about how to enable it.

  • Enable nonstop bridging (NSB). See Configuring Nonstop Bridging on EX Series Switches for information on how to enable it.

  • (Optional) Back up the system software—Junos OS, the active configuration, and log files—on the switch to an external storage device with the request system snapshot command.

Upgrading the Software Using Unified ISSU

This procedure describes how to upgrade the software running on a standalone switch.

To upgrade the switch using unified ISSU:

  1. Download the software package by following the procedure in the Downloading Software Files with a Browser section in Installing Software Packages on QFX Series Devices.

  2. Copy the software package or packages to the switch. We recommend that you copy the file to the /var/tmp directory.

  3. Log in to the console connection. Using a console connection allows you to monitor the progress of the upgrade.

  4. Start the ISSU:

    • On the switch, enter:

      where package-name.tgz is, for example, jinstall-host-qfx-10-f-x86-64-22.2-R1.n-secure-signed.tgz.


    During the upgrade, you cannot access the Junos OS CLI.

    The switch displays status messages similar to the following messages as the upgrade executes:


    A unified ISSU might stop, instead of abort, if the FPC is at the warm boot stage. Also, any links that go down and up will not be detected during a warm boot of the Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE).


    If the unified ISSU process stops, you can look at the log files to diagnose the problem. The log files are located at /var/log/vjunos-log.tgz.

  5. Log in after the reboot of the switch completes. To verify that the software has been upgraded, enter the following command:

  6. Ensure that the resilient dual-root partitions feature operates correctly, by copying the new Junos OS image into the alternate root partitions of all of the switches:

    Resilient dual-root partitions allow the switch to boot transparently from the alternate root partition if the system fails to boot from the primary root partition.

Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases

We have two types of releases, EOL and EEOL:

  • End of Life (EOL) releases have engineering support for twenty four months after the first general availability date and customer support for an additional six more months.

    Extended End of Life (EEOL) releases have engineering support for thirty six months after the first general availability date and customer support for an additional six more months.

For both EOL and EEOL releases, you can upgrade to the next three subsequent releases or downgrade to the previous three releases. For example, you can upgrade from 20.4 to the next three releases – 21.1, 21.2 and 21.3 or downgrade to the previous three releases – 20.3, 20.2 and 20.1.

For EEOL releases only, you have an additional option - you can upgrade directly from one EEOL release to the next two subsequent EEOL releases, even if the target release is beyond the next three releases. Likewise, you can downgrade directly from one EEOL release to the previous two EEOL releases, even if the target release is beyond the previous three releases. For example, 20.4 is an EEOL release. Hence, you can upgrade from 20.4 to the next two EEOL releases – 21.2 and 21.4 or downgrade to the previous two EEOL releases – 20.2 and 19.4.

Table 1: EOL and EEOL Releases
Release Type End of Engineering (EOE) End of Support (EOS) Upgrade/Downgrade to subsequent 3 releases Upgrade/Downgrade to subsequent 2 EEOL releases
End of Life (EOL) 24 months End of Engineering + 6 months Yes No
Extended End of Life (EEOL) 36 months End of Engineering + 6 months Yes Yes

For more information about EOL and EEOL releases, see

For information about software installation and upgrade, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide.