Resolved Issues: 22.2R1
VxLAN encapsulation might fail to forward traffic to remote devices. PR1639204
General Routing
Filter with forwarding-class and destination-class combined might not work. PR1595788
On ACX7509 devices, the picd process generates core file when you restart FPC with 700,000 scaled MAC. PR1602352
[ecmp] [ecmp] acx7509 : ::Picd core is observed when we perform restart FPC with 32000 ECMP groups scale. PR1609389
On ACX7509 devices, multicast packets not shown in MAC statistics for LACP on LAG interfaces. Workaround, instead of querying MAC statistics under aggregate Ethernet interface, query for actual physical IFD interface created under aggregate Ethernet interface. PR1612105
PTP performance might randomly become bad for 30 minutes. PR1614309
On ACX7509 devices, Linux command to remove PCIe device causes connection to hang. PR1619368
The issue is specific to slot-7, where slot-7, port-13 is not supported. As part of channelization constraints, both adjacent ports have to configure or both to non channelization. Since slot-7 port is unsupported, need to ignore channelization constraints for port the two ports.PR1620425
On ACX7509, details of auto negotiation settings are not available on 1GigE interfaces PR1621991
On ACX7509 devices, PCI device misses alarm raises for all FPCs from the backup Routing Engine. There are no functional impact. PR1627348
After picd or rpdagent app restart multpile object-info anomalies for evo-pfemand are seen. PR1628843
When a fan tray fails an alarm is raised. After rebooting the alarm gets cleared. However, the fan failure condition will be logged in the log file. PR1633353
In a working and non-working logs, l2d index is different for VRRP group number 187. This is the same group for which packet is getting dropped out of 400 groups, other groups are working as expected. So there is some fix which went between working and NKWR related to l2dId which has exposed VRRP issue. Both VRRP MAC and interface MAC gets stored in SLU my_mac_hash table. For finding hash index for VRRP MAC we use l2dId. Protocol type and VRRP group number as a key. In a non-working scenario there is a collision between interface MAC and VRRP MAC on same hash index. Ideally hash movement should have happened to address collision but somehow it is not properly done. Going further we need to debug why hash movement is not happening and fix that code area. This code is very sensitive and requires a lot of testing before doing any changes. So we should commit it in DCB first before committing to any other release. PR1633986
In scaled setup, while FPC restart, PICD is not releasing fruHwStatus status and causing PIC struck in online. PR1635941
FEB jackout and jackin might generate a hwd core file while rebooting the system (but not at jackout or jackin time). There will not be any functionality issue as the core file is generated only during reboot sequence. System is expected to come up fine.PR1636243
[interface] [interface] acx7509 : :: [ 46377: After Routing Engine primary switch with traffic during switchover, CPU utilization on new primary is more than 50% by EvoPfemand-main , java process and hence
show interfaces extensive
output is not displayed correctly for the first time after switchover ] PR1636790 -
[interface] [interface] acx7509 : :: [ 46377: in-octets, in-pkts, out-octets, out-pkts counters stats not replicated after switchover ( without traffic flow, during switchover ) ] PR1641392
On ACX7100 and ACX7509 devices, few control packets getting forwarded on ERPS discarding port also, leading to traffic loop. PR1641454
show system core-dumps routing-engine both
CLI command does not display anything on ACX7509 devices. PR1646266 -
TCAM field group entry shuffle is not traffic safe. PR1650266
Rpd-agent core for high-scale of member nexthops in multicast composite nh. PR1640224
There is a 15-20 seconds of iPv6 traffic loss after GRES. PR1655374
ACX7100-32C and ACX7100-48L, failed to forward some of the VXLAN encapsulated traffic to remote. PR1639204
Interfaces and Chassis
Platform and Infrastructure
The line cards MPC10, MPC11, and LC-9600 might crash on Junos Evolved OS platform. PR1667716
Routing Protocols
On ACX7509 routers, IS-IS, LPD, and BFD protocols flaps during graceful switchover while testing ldp oam. PR1638882
User Interface and Configuration
The traffic might not flow after deleting or adding VLAN configuration with load override. PR1647853