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Junos Telemetry Interface

  • Interface queue statistics sensor support (ACX7100, ACX7509)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 22.2R1, Juniper telemetry interface (JTI) provides periodic streaming and ON_CHANGE support for interface queue statistics. The resource path is /junos/system/linecard/interface/queue/. This feature uses Juniper proprietary gRPC and gNMI.

    [See Guidelines for gRPC and gNMI Sensors (Junos Telemetry Interface).]

  • Network instance support enhancements (ACX7100, ACX7509, PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.2R1, JTI supports new sensors for network instance statistics per OpenConfig modules openconfig-network-instance.yang and openconfig-routing-policy.yang. Support includes OpenConfig configuration and streaming of state data.

    [See Telemetry Sensor Explorer for telemetry support and OpenConfig User Guide for configuration.]

  • Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol sensor support (ACX7100-32C, ACX7100-48L PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 22.2R1, Junos telemetry interface (JTI) provides periodic streaming support for Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) statistics. This feature supports IPv4 and IPv6 configurations for TWAMP managed sessions and TWAMP light sessions. This feature is supported using Juniper proprietary gRPC and gNMI.

    [See Telemetry Sensor Explorer.]

  • VLAN data model support (ACX7100, PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, PTX10016 and QFX5130)—Junos OS Evolved Release 22.2R1 introduces support for OpenConfig VLAN configuration based on the following data models:

    • openconfig-vlan.yang, version 3.2.1
    • openconfig-network-instance.yang, version 0.16.1
    • openconfig-network-instance-l2.yang, version 0.16.1

    Support includes OpenConfig configuration and streaming of state data.

    [See Telemetry Sensor Explorer for state sensors and Mapping OpenConfig VLAN Commands to Junos Configuration for configuration.]

  • Xmlproxyd process now multi-threading capable (PTX10001-36MR, PTX10003, PTX10004, PTX10008, and PTX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Evolved Release 22.2R1, the xmlproxyd process is now multi-threading capable. Moving from a single-thread capability to a multi-thread capability enhances the overall throughput of xmlproxyd and makes xmlproxyd scalable. Performance bottlenecks are reduced since better throughput improves streaming performance.

    [See Configure a NETCONF Proxy Telemetry Sensor in Junos.]