Resolved Issues
Learn about the issues fixed in this release for SRX Series devices.
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Chassis Clustering
Flow-Based and Packet-Based Processing
Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP)
21.2R3:SRX345:vSRX3.0:Device is hanging while checking the cli " show security idp attack attack-list policy combine-policy" PR1616782
Platform and Infrastructure
Syslog message " %AUTH-3: warning: can't get client address: Bad file descriptor" is displayed at Jweb login.. PR1581209
Juniper Secure Client: traffic gets dropped during reaching JSC installed CLIENT from SERVER behind gateway in TCP path finder enabled VPN gateway PR1611003
VPLS interface fails to forward traffic on SRX platform PR1611400
Execute RSI on SRX5K platform with IOC2 card installed may trigger data plane failover PR1617103
Traffic might be dropped due to the TX queue memory leak on PCI interface PR1618913
On SRX Series devices running DNS Security, if a DGA was detected and the action in the configuration was set to 'permit', under rare circumstances, a log would not be generated by the device. PR1624076
21.4R1:IPSEC:pkid.core-tarball found @ pkid_request_security_pki_local_cert_verify (msp=0x1abc940, csb=0xffffdb60, unparsed=0x1a7402e "certificate-id") at ../../../../../../../src/junos/usr.sbin/pkid/pkid_ui.c:1076 PR1624844
Reverse DNS Lookups will no longer be stored in the DNSF Cache when using DNS Security PR1631000
On SRX Series devices running DNS Security, a dataplane memory leak may occur within the DNSF plugin when entries age-out of the DNSF cache PR1633519
Dynamic-address feeds might not work PR1635705
22.1R1:SRX-RIAD:vSRX3.0: SSL: RT:junos-ssl-term is not found in ssl-trace-new logs PR1640075
Traffic might be dropped due to the RX queue being full PR1641793
22.1TOT : SnP :SRX5K_SPC3 : Observing Error "usp_ipc_client_recv_:ipc_pipe_read() " due to coredump,when checking "show security monitoring" cli command, in the latest 22.1(22.1I-20220108.0.0529) build. PR1641995
Flowd crash when back to back sigpack is updated at the time of stress traffic PR1642383
The SKY ATP integrated service might get impacted on SRX with LSYS PR1643373
21.2R3 : Issue with the command "clear security idp counters packet-log logical-system all" PR1648187
The severity of AAMW and SMS' control and submission channel alarms have been reduced from 'major' to 'minor' to avoid triggering a chassis cluster failover in the event of an upstream network issue PR1648330
Fabric Board reset with an error message may be observed on certain Junos platforms PR1648850
22.1R1:AUTH:unable to get the "firewall-authentication users" details on node 1 PR1651129
SMB File submissions to ATP cloud failed PR1653098
Certificate-based VPN tunnel is not established PR1655571
The fxp0 interface might remain 'UP' when the cable is disconnected PR1656738
Radius responses that take longer than 15 seconds can cause SRX to declare authentication failure PR1658833
Routing Protocols
Delay in BGP session establishment due to longer time for the listening task to be ready on all platforms running "rpd" PR1651211
Unified Threat Management (UTM)
The process "iked" crash might be seen for IKEv1 based VPN tunnels PR1608724
Fragmented packets might drop when PMI is enabled PR1624877
Severity is unknown at some IPSec syslog messages PR1629793
IPsec tunnel might stop processing traffic PR1636458
The IPSec tunnel via IPv6 might not establish after rebooting SRX devices PR1653704
The Juniper secure connect VPN users may face login issues intermittently PR1655140
The device enabled with FIPS mode and rebooted the system fails to boot PR1655355