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Class of Service

  • Support for configuring multiple queues as strict-high priority (EX4400-24MP, EX4400-24P, EX4400-24T, EX4400-48F, EX4400-48MP, EX4400-48P, EX4400-48T, EX4650, EX4650-48Y-VC, QFX5120-32C, QFX5120-48T, QFX5120-48T-VC, QFX5120-48Y, QFX5120-48Y-VC, and QFX5120-48YM)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.1R1, you can configure multiple strict-high priority queues in which the queue with the highest priority value gets precedence.

    [See Traffic Management User Guide.]

  • Forwarding classes and loss priority enhancement (QFX10002, QFX10008, and QFX10016)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.1R1, we’ve increased the number of supported forwarding classes from 8 to 16 and the number of supported loss priorities from 3 to 4. This enhancement enables you to classify all available 64 Differentiated Services code point (DSCP) values.

    You can also configure the loss priority as medium-low at the following hierarchy levels:

    • [edit class-of-service classifiers cls-type classifier-name forwarding-class class-name loss-priority]
    • [edit class-of-service rewrite-rules rw-type rewrite-name forwarding-class class-name loss-priority]

    [See loss-priority (Classifiers) and loss-priority (Rewrite Rules).]

  • Support for BGP flowspec DSCP action (MX Series and PTX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 22.1R1, you can configure BGP flowspec DSCP action to use forwarding class and loss priority information to forward packets across the network. With this feature enabled, the router forwards traffic to the intended CoS queues, where CoS policies are applied to the traffic correctly. This feature also influences local forwarding behavior (for example, selection of the tunnel) based on the provisioned DSCP value.

    [See Forwarding Traffic Using BGP Flow Specification DSCP Action.]