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Resolved Issues: 21.4R1

General Routing

  • CSPRNG is changed to the HMAC-DRBG and cannot be changed to either the FreeBSD Fortuna or the Juniper DYCE RNGs. PR1529574

  • Junos 'et-' interface stuck and remains down between two particular ports PR1535078

  • On EX Series line of switches Virtual Chassis (VC), Power over Ethernet (POE) might not be detected and hence might fail to work on VC members. PR1539933

  • The Virtual Chassis Port (VCP) might not come up on EX4600 platform. PR1555741

  • Some transmitting packets might get dropped due to the disable-pfe action is not invoked when the fabric self-ping failure is detected. PR1558899

  • The DHCP client might not obtain IP address when dhcp-security is configured. PR1564941

  • On EX platforms, the new primary Routing Engine post switchover might go into DB mode (or crash). PR1565213

  • The MAC address will point to incorrect interface after traffic is stopped and not aging out. PR1565624

  • The fxpc process might crash and cause traffic loss in the IFBD scenario. PR1572305

  • Private VLAN configuration might fail in certain scenario. PR1574480

  • Kernel crash migiht be observed on the backup Routing Engine after GRES. PR1577799

  • The dcpfe crash is observed on Junos OS EX Series line of switches. PR1578859

  • On EX Series line of switches, some 40G ports might not be channelized successfully. PR1582105

  • The upgrade of the PoE firmware might fail on EX2300 and EX3400.PR1584491

  • Packet drops during VRRP primary reboot when 40XS linecard is present on some EX9204 platforms. PR1586740

  • Process dot1xd crash might be seen and re-authentication might be needed on EX9208 platform. PR1587837

  • Inconsistent statistics value seen on performing slaac-snooping. PR1590926

  • The DHCP relay might not work if it connects with the server via type 5 route which with aggregated Ethernet interface as the underlay interface. PR1592133

  • On the EX4300-48MP Virtual Chassis, the backup Routing Engines clear the reporting alarm for a PEM failure intermittently for a missing power source. PR1593795

  • Clients authentication failure might occur due to dot1x daemon memory leak. PR1594224

  • On a EX4400 Virtual Chassis, log messages related to fan settings will be observed in chassis traceoptions file. PR1594446

  • The label field for the EVPN Type 1 route is set to 1. PR1594981

  • The MAC/IP withdraw route might be suppressed by rpd in the EVPN scenario. PR1597391

  • The backup Virtual Chassis member might not learn MAC address on a primary after removing a VLAN unit from the SP style aggregated Ethernet interface which is part of multiple VLAN units. PR1598346

  • On EX3400 platforms, traffic might fail to flow in MACsec enabled interfaces. PR1598610

  • Error might be seen when enabling xSTP on all interfaces. PR1598839

  • The l2ald process might crash due to memory leak when all active interfaces in a VLAN are unstable PR1599094

  • On EX4400 Virtual chassis, linecard member console might fail to redirect to Virtual Chassis primary. PR1599625

  • Unable to disable the management port em1. PR1600905

  • EX4400 PVIDB schema files not updated for the correct count of (lic_ft_cnt) Licensing feature. PR1601449

  • On EX2300 and EX4650, if the system is upgraded from 20.2 or earlier release to 20.3 or later release, either using phone-home feature or when the system is in factory default state, the upgrade will fail with phone-home crash. PR1601722

  • On EX2300 Virtual Chassis platforms ARP might not get resolved. PR1602003

  • Files under /var/db/scripts might become inaccessible after every reboot. PR1602638

  • On a EX4400 Virtual Chassis, the Cloud LED will display pattern for NO_CLOUD_RESPONSE when there is no IP address present on IRB interface or no DNS is configured on the device. PR1602664

  • On EX4400 dot1x authentication might not work on EVPN/xlan enabled endpoints. PR1603015

  • The fxpc core files are generated when the NSSU performed with MACsec configuration. PR1603602

  • MAC move might be seen between the ICL and MC-LAG interface if adding or removing VLANs on the ICL interface. PR1605234

  • On a EX4400 POE supported device, PoE firmware upgrade should be done with bt-firmware CLI option only. PR1606276

  • In Junos OS releases, in a scenario with dhcp-security and option-82 configured, the jdhcpd crashes upon receipt of a malformed DHCP packet (CVE-2022-22176). PR1606794

  • On EX Series switches, the fxpc process might crash and generate a core dump. PR1607372

  • On EX4300 platform, the dcpfe process might crash and generate core. PR1608306

  • DHCP packets might be received and then returned back to DHCP relay through the same interface on EX2300, EX3400, and EX4300 Virtual Chassis platforms. PR1610253

  • Traffic loss might be observed if dot1X is configured with supplicant multiple and authenticated user from radius is in single supplicant mode. PR1610746

  • Inter-vlan connectivity might be lost in an EVPN-VXLAN with CRB topology. PR1611488

  • Change in commit error message while configuring the same vlan-id with different vlan-name through openconfig CLI. PR1612566

  • On EX2300, EX3400, EX4300-MP, and EX4400 series is causing MAC move when the IGMP query packet received on backup FPC port. PR1612596

  • FPC might crash after device restart in EVPN-VXLAN scenario. PR1613702

  • EX9204 :: entAliasMappingIdentifier does not reflect correct SNMP entity to ifindex mapping for 100G and 40G ports. PR1614081

  • After performing zeroize factory default configuration does not show appropriate interface in the device. PR1614098

  • Removing the optical module JNP-SFPP-10GE-T from a port might cause certain ports to go down. PR1614139

  • SFP+-10G-T-DWDM-ZR support for EX3400. PR1615246

  • Core dumps might be seen on EX devices after configuration changes. PR1618352

  • Lowest acceptable PN not reflecting correct value when replay-window-size is more than zero. PR1618598

  • The process dcpfe might crash after performing VXLAN VNI configuration change and delete on EX series platforms. PR1619445

  • In Junos OS releases, the EX2300 Series, EX2300-MP Series, EX3400 Series: A slow memory leak due to processing of specific IPv6 packets (CVE-2022-22180). PR1619970

  • OAM CFM session doesn't come up if ERPS configured and CFM control traffic uses the same VLAN as ERPS control traffic. PR1620536

  • EVPN type 5 routes might not be installed. PR1620808

  • Traffic loss might be observed after configuring VXLAN over IRB interface. PR1625285

  • The filter required for routing the Layer 3 traffic of targeted broadcast and static ARP entry with multicast-mac address might fail to install. PR1626620

  • When clients connected to isolated VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) through trunk port cannot communicate to the network. PR1626710

Class of Service (CoS)

  • The dcpfe core might be seen in auto-channelization scenario or when SFP is plugged out. PR1616847


  • Traffic loss might be seen under EVPN scenario when MAC-IP moves from one CE interface to another. PR1591264

  • Traffic loss might be seen if aggregated Ethernet bundle interface with ESI is disabled on primary Routing Engine followed by a Routing Engine switchover. PR1597300


  • For EX4400 product family, net installation (PXE) is not working. PR1577562

  • EX2300, EX2300-MP, and EX3400 do not take kernel core file to internal storage on panic. PR1600442

  • Upgrade might fail when upgrading from legacy release. PR1602005

  • The fxpc process might crash and generate core. PR1611480

  • DHCP packets originated from QinQ/SP VLANs will have vlan-id of C-vlan in DHCP options82 circuit-id field. Whereas when configured to use VLAN description, then S VLAN name will be used in circuit-id. PR1616613

Interfaces and Chassis

  • ARP resolution failure might occur during VRRP failover. PR1578126

  • The SNMP_TRAP_LINK_UP and SNMP_TRAP_LINK_DOWN trap might be seen while activating and deactivating firewall filters. PR1609838

Junos Fusion Enterprise

  • Reverting primaryship from RE1 to RE0 might lead to l2ald daemon crash and cause an outage. PR1601817

Layer 2 Ethernet Services

  • The DHCP client might be offline for about 120 seconds after sending the DHCPINFORM message. PR1587982

  • The jdhcpd process started spiking and DHCP become unresponsive if modifying the configuration to add override always-write-giaddr and removed forward-only. PR1618306

Platform and Infrastructure

  • FPC crashes might be seen on EX92 platforms. PR1579182

  • HEAP malloc(0) is seen with base configurations. PR1590037

  • Broadcast traffic might be discarded when a firewall filter is applied to the loopback interface. PR1597548

  • VLAN tagged traffic might be dropped with service provider style configuration. PR1598251

  • The VRRP packets might not be forwarded when mac-move-limit configuration statement is configured. PR1601005

  • Adding aggregated Ethernet configuration without child member might cause MAC or ARP learning issues.PR1602399

  • The ZTP service might not work and the image installation fails. PR1603227

  • Slaac-Snooping global address entry learnt over vtep interface does not RENEW sometimes after lease timer expiry. PR1603269

  • Route leak from primary routing-instance to custom routing-instance failure occurs for local interface. PR1623429

Routing Protocols

  • The rpd core might be observed due to memory corruption. PR1599751

  • The rpd might crash and restart when NSR is enabled. PR1620463

Virtual Chassis

  • During NSSU, errors related to link might be observed while IFDs are attached are detached. PR1622283