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  • Support for Adaptive Threat Profiling in security and IPS policies (SRX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 21.4R1, we support Adaptive Threat Profiling for security and intrusion prevention system (IPS) policy rules.

    When creating security policy rules:

    • Under Source and Destination, you can configure source and destination identity feeds.

    • Under Advanced Settings, you can configure source and destination IP addresses to the feed.

    When creating IPS policy rules, you can configure attacker and target IP addresses to the feed.

    [See Add a Rule and Add Rules to an IPS Policy.]

  • Enhanced IPS Policies page (SRX Series)—In Junos OS Release 21.4R1, we’ve refreshed the IPS Policies page for better experience. You can:

    • Drag and drop a selected policy to change the order.

    • Search for policies using the Search icon.

    • Add IPS signatures using the new simplified Predefined or Custom tabs.

    • Navigate directly to the Security Policies page to associate the selected IPS policies.

    • When creating IPS policy rules, you can add attacker and target IP addresses.

    [See About the IPS Policies Page.]

  • New Security Package Management page (SRX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 21.4R1, you can configure and manage IPS signatures, application signatures, and URL categories at our one-stop shop, the Security Package Management page. You can access this page at Device Administration > Security Package Management.

    We've removed the following options and pages to avoid duplication:

    • Dynamic Applications page:

      • Removed the Download button and the Uninstall/Install link.

      • Removed the Download section from the Global Settings page.

    • Security Services menus:

      • Removed the Web Filtering Category Update page from Security Services > UTM.

      • Removed the Signature Update page from Security Services > IPS.

    [See About the Security Package Management Page.]

  • Enhanced filtering support on the Monitor Logs pages (SRX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 21.4R1, you can choose many filter values to filter the logs and events on the following pages under Monitor > Logs:

    • Session

    • Threats

    • Web Filtering

    • ATP

    • All Events

    [See Monitor Session and Monitor Threats.]