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Known Limitations

Learn about known limitations in Junos OS Release 21.4R1 for SRX Series Gateways.

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You can use IPv6 address for generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel interfaces. To configure a GRE tunnel interface with IPv6 address, specify IPv6 addresses for source and destination at the [edit interfaces gr-0/0/0 unit 0 tunnel] hierarchy level.

Note that GRE keepalive configuration is not supported when you use IPv6 address for both source and destination addresses in a GRE interface configuration. See Configuring GRE Tunnel Interfaces for more details.


  • The Firefox browser displays an unsaved changes error message in the J-Web basic settings page if the autofill logins and passwords option is selected under the browser privacy and security settings. PR1560549


  • On SRX5000 line of devices, in some scenario, the device output might display obsolete IPsec SA and NHTB entry even when the peer tear down the tunnel. PR1432925