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Known Limitations

Learn about known limitations in Junos OS Release 21.4R1 for MX Series routers.

For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

General Routing

  • When the device is up and running for a long time, there is a possibility FS gets bad blocks and it is accumulated. When any change done to it, it reloads and tries to recover the bad blocks from the FS. PR910445

  • When cmerror disables the Packet Forwarding Engine, it does not power off the EA and HCM chips. Temperature monitoring continues on the HMC and other devices, and the system can take proper actions, such as increasing the fan speed or shutting down the systems. PR1324070

  • This ping latency behavior is expected for host generated ICMP traffic due to the design of Packet Forwarding Engine queue polling the packets from ASIC. PR1380145


    10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss

    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 8.994/51.885/106.449/26.824 ms

  • Currently, IPv4 options router are not supported and traffic is not hitting the egress firewall filter. For more information, see PR1490967

  • LFM might flap during MX Series Virtual Chassis ISSU to and from this release. PR1516744

  • An MGD core file is generated on performing the help apropos command in configuration mode. The MGD will restart and as long as the command is not issued again. PR1552191

  • BUM traffic replication over VTEP is sending out more packets than expected and there seems to be a loop in the topology. PR1570689

  • The PTP FPGA is kept in reset during BIOS boot. During Linux boot, the PTP FPGA is taken out of reset and pcie-tree is reenumerated. Therefore, you might see the Link-up/down during this sequence. PR1572061

  • When a packet, which triggers ARP resolution, hits services interface style filter on the output will have session create and close log with incorrect ingress interface. This typically occurs with the first session hitting such a filter. PR1597864

  • Enhanced policer counter output shows double value when policer is applied in the ingress direction. The output shows normal when the filter is applied in the egress direction. PR1615373

  • When the show command show services web-filter secintel-policy-db ip-prefix-information is being used, exact prefix mentioned in the feed file database needs to be provided. PR1615465

  • Packet errors are detected in PSV block message and traffic loss is seen, when sending 250G traffic using filter with next term. PR1617385

  • Percentage physical-interface policer is not working on aggregated Ethernet, after switching between baseline configuration to policer configuration. PR1621998

  • Scaled number of PPPoE subscribers are hosted on PS anchored over RLT interface. When you try to remove LT member link from the RLT bundle, some of the subscribers might go down. As a workaround, bring down all the subscribers before removing RLT member links. PR1623641

  • Media install (USB, PXE) and media-zeroize operations do not succeed and boot time is increased. PR1624053

  • In ULC-based linecards, you can see duplicate leaf values for the following counters exported in /interfaces/interface/state/counters hierarchy - in-unicast-pkts in-broadcast-pkts in-multicast-pkts in-pause-pkts in-errors in-discards out-unicast-pkts out-multicast-pkts out-broadcast-pkts out-pause-pkts out-errors out-discards. These leaves are produced by picd and aftd-trio. PR1624864


  • While upgrading the software image from Junos OS Release 21.2 to Junos OS Release 21.3 or later, it is mandatory to use no-validate command. PR1586481


  • With local reversion ON, there is a possibility of transit router not informing headend of RSVP disabled link when link is flapped more than once. As a workaround, remove the local-reversion configuration. PR1576979

Network Management and Monitoring

  • Configuring the set system no-hidden-commands blocks NETCONF sessions. As a workaround, customer can disable the no-hidden-commands. PR1590350

Platform and Infrastructure

  • The following error message occurs while running clear vpls mac-table. [Mar 9 06:20:42.795 LOG: Err] disp_force_callout(1994): EA[0:0].disp[0] forced callout timeout 0 msec. [Mar 9 06:20:42.795 LOG: Err] luss_send_callout_parcel(793): EA[0:0].disp[0] failed to send callout parcel (ptype 14, snum 977 tid 0). [Mar 9 06:20:43.510 LOG: Err] dispatch_event_handler(684): EA[0:0].disp[0] PRIMARY_TIMEOUT (PPE 4 Zone 8). PR1575316

  • When the and deactivate routing-options rpm-tracking CLIs are applied together and then committed. Some of the rpm tracked added routes are not deleted from the routing table. PR1597190

  • Routing Engine-based BFD sessions might flap during switchover when there are large number of BFD, IS-IS, OSPF and LDP packets to be sent out. PR1600684