Resolved Issues: 21.4R1
General Routing
If more than 512 OSPF neighbors are configured, all the OSPF routes might not be learned unless the MTU of the IRB interface is modified.PR1570498
The interface might not learn
if it is configured withvlan-id-list
starting withVLAN id 1
. PR1597013 -
Traffic loss might be observed when evo-pfemand is restarted. PR1608004
In QFX5700 FPC, QSFP port reset signal to be inverted in the software. PR1608849
The egress traffic is dropped due to the egress queue buffer stuck on 400G interfaces. PR1618147
Junos OS Evolved:JDI_FT_REGRESSION:ui:ui_change :: On performing
request system snapshot
, the snapshot message is not captured in /etc/motd file. PR1618946
The alarm Host 0 Active Disk Usage Exceeded might be generated due to large files which were already marked as deleted. PR1601251
User Interface and Configuration
file copy
command is not accepting HTTPS URLs. PR1596881